Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
47 Moby Thesaurus words for "efficiently":
ably, adeptly, adequately, adroitly, advantageously, agilely,
aptly, artfully, artistically, brilliantly, capably, cleverly,
competently, conveniently, cunningly, deftly, dexterously,
dextrously, effectively, effectually, excellently, expertly,
featly, functionally, handily, ingeniously, masterfully, neatly,
nimbly, practically, proficiently, profitably, resourcefully,
serviceably, skillfully, spryly, superbly, to advantage,
to good effect, to good use, to profit, usefully, well,
with consummate skill, with finesse, with genius, with skill
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