economise v 1: spend sparingly, avoid the waste of; "This move will save money"; "The less fortunate will have to economize now" [syn: {save}, {economize}, {economise}] 2: use cautiously and frugally; "I try to economize my spare time"; "conserve your energy for the ascent to the summit" [syn: {conserve}, {husband}, {economize}, {economise}] [ant: {blow}, {squander}, {waste}]
Economize \E*con"o*mize\ ([-e]*k[o^]n"[-o]*m[imac]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Economized} ([-e]*k[o^]n"[-o]*m[imac]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Economizing}.] [Cf. F. ['e]conomiser.] To manage with economy; to use with prudence; to expend with frugality; as, to economize one's income. [Written also {economise}.] [1913 Webster] Expenses in the city were to be economized. --Jowett (Thucyd. ). [1913 Webster] Calculating how to economize time. --W. Irving. [1913 Webster]
economise \economise\ v. t. same as {economize}. Syn: conserve, husband, economize. [WordNet 1.5]
Economize \E*con"o*mize\, v. i. To be prudently sparing in expenditure; to be frugal and saving; as, to economize in order to grow rich. [Written also {economise}.] --Milton. [1913 Webster]