Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
23 Moby Thesaurus words for "dreamer":
Don Quixote, Quixote, Utopian, daydreamer, dreamer of dreams,
enthusiast, escapist, idealist, idealizer, illusionist,
lotus-eater, prophet, rhapsodist, romancer, romantic, romanticist,
seer, theorist, utopian, utopianist, utopianizer, visionary,
wishful thinker
Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date
T. H. E., castle builder. Lived long ago, and
intended doing something to-day. Spent much time thinking about
the best girl in the world. A great friend of Procrastinator.
Went through life waiting for to-morrow. Several men, however,
with the same name, have awakened and given their dreams to the
world (see Columbus, etc., and Lady Macbeth).
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