drawing room

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
drawing room
    n 1: a formal room where visitors can be received and
         entertained [syn: {drawing room}, {withdrawing room}]
    2: a private compartment on a sleeping car with three bunks and
       a toilet
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
78 Moby Thesaurus words for "drawing room":
      Pullman, Pullman car, Vanity Fair, baggage car, beau monde,
      beautiful people, best people, best room, boxcar, caboose,
      cafe society, car, carriage, carriage trade, chair car, coach,
      coal car, covered waggon, cream of society, day coach, diner,
      dinghy, dining car, elite, fashionable society, flat, flatcar,
      foreroom, front room, gondola, good society, haut monde, high life,
      high society, in-crowd, jet set, jeunesse doree, living room,
      local, luggage van, mail car, mail van, monde, palace car, parlor,
      parlor car, passenger car, people of fashion, polite society,
      railway car, reefer, refrigerator car, right people, roomette,
      salon, saloon, sitting room, sleeper, smart set, smoker,
      smoking car, social register, societe, society, solarium,
      stateroom, stockcar, sun parlor, sunroom, tank, tender,
      the Four Hundred, truck, upper crust, uppercut, van, waggon,
      world of fashion


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