dendrocopus minor

from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tapper \Tap"per\, n. (Zool.)
   The lesser spotted woodpecker ({Dendrocopus minor}); --
   called also {tapperer}, {tabberer}, {little wood pie},
   {barred woodpecker}, {wood tapper}, {hickwall}, and {pump
   borer}. [Prov. Eng.]
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Woodpecker \Wood"peck`er\, n. (Zool.)
   Any one of numerous species of scansorial birds belonging to
   {Picus} and many allied genera of the family {Picidae}.
   [1913 Webster]

   Note: These birds have the tail feathers pointed and rigid at
         the tip to aid in climbing, and a strong chisellike
         bill with which they are able to drill holes in the
         bark and wood of trees in search of insect larvae upon
         which most of the species feed. A few species feed
         partly upon the sap of trees (see {Sap sucker}, under
         {Sap}), others spend a portion of their time on the
         ground in search of ants and other insects.
         [1913 Webster] The most common European species are the
         greater spotted woodpecker ({Dendrocopus major}), the
         lesser spotted woodpecker ({Dendrocopus minor}), and
         the green woodpecker, or yaffle (see {Yaffle}).
         [1913 Webster] The best-known American species are the
         pileated woodpecker (see under {Pileated}), the
         ivory-billed woodpecker ({Campephilus principalis}),
         which is one of the largest known species, the
         red-headed woodpecker, or red-head ({Melanerpes
         erythrocephalus}), the red-bellied woodpecker
         ({Melanerpes Carolinus}) (see {Chab}), the superciliary
         woodpecker ({Melanerpes superciliaris}), the hairy
         woodpecker ({Dryobates villosus}), the downy woodpecker
         ({Dryobates pubescens}), the three-toed, woodpecker
         ({Picoides Americanus}), the golden-winged woodpecker
         (see {Flicker}), and the sap suckers. See also
         [1913 Webster]

   {Woodpecker hornbill} (Zool.), a black and white Asiatic
      hornbill ({Buceros pica}) which resembles a woodpecker in
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Hickwall \Hick"wall`\, Hickway \Hick"way`\, n. [OE., also
   hyghwhele, highawe.]
   The lesser spotted woodpecker ({Dendrocopus minor}) of
   Europe. [Prov. Eng.]
   [1913 Webster]

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