
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: composed of heterogeneous elements gathered into a mass;
           "the conglomerate peoples of New England"
    n 1: a composite rock made up of particles of varying size [syn:
         {pudding stone}, {conglomerate}]
    2: a group of diverse companies under common ownership and run
       as a single organization [syn: {conglomerate}, {empire}]
    v 1: collect or gather; "Journals are accumulating in my
         office"; "The work keeps piling up" [syn: {accumulate},
         {cumulate}, {conglomerate}, {pile up}, {gather}, {amass}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Conglomerate \Con*glom"er*ate\, n.
   1. That which is heaped together in a mass or conpacted from
      various sources; a mass formed of fragments; collection;
      [1913 Webster]

            A conglomerate of marvelous anecdotes, marvelously
            heaped together.                      --Trench.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. (Geol.) A rock, composed or rounded fragments of stone
      cemented together by another mineral substance, either
      calcareous, siliceous, or argillaceous; pudding stone; --
      opposed to agglomerate. See {Breccia}.
      [1913 Webster]

            A conglomerate, therefore, is simply gravel bound
            together by a cement.                 --Lyell.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Conglomerate \Con*glom"er*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
   {Conglomerated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Conglomerating}.]
   To gather into a ball or round body; to collect into a mass.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Conglomerate \Con*glom"er*ate\, a. [L. conglomeratus, p. p. of
   conglomerare to roll together; con- + glomerare to wind into
   a ball. See {Glomerate}.]
   1. Gathered into a ball or a mass; collected together;
      concentrated; as, conglomerate rays of light.
      [1913 Webster]

            Beams of light when they are multiplied and
            conglomerate.                         --Bacon.
      [1913 Webster]

            Fluids are separated in the liver and the other
            conglobate and conglomerate glands.   --Cheyne.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. (Bot.) Closely crowded together; densly clustered; as,
      conglomerate flowers. --Gray.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. (Geol.) Composed of stones, pebbles, or fragments of
      rocks, cemented together.
      [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
295 Moby Thesaurus words for "conglomerate":
      Aktiengesellschaft, aa, abyssal rock, accumulate, accumulated,
      accumulation, acervation, adhere, admix, agglomerate,
      agglomeration, aggregate, aggregation, aggroup, aktiebolag, alloy,
      amalgamate, amalgamated, amass, amassed, amassment, ambiguous,
      ambivalent, amphibious, assemble, assembled, assorted, assortment,
      basalt, batch, bedrock, bemingle, blend, blended, block,
      block lava, body, body corporate, brash, breccia, bring together,
      bulk, bunch, bunch together, bunch up, bunched, bundled, business,
      business establishment, cake, cartel, chain, chamber of commerce,
      chunk, clasp, cleave, clinch, cling, cling to, clot, clump,
      clumped, cluster, clustered, coagulate, coalesce, cohere, collect,
      collectanea, collected, colligate, collocate, combine, combined,
      commercial enterprise, commingle, commix, compagnie, company,
      compare, compile, complex, compose, composite, compound,
      compounded, concern, concoct, concrete, concretion, congeal,
      congeries, conglobation, conglomerate corporation, conglomeration,
      congregate, congregated, consolidating company, consortium,
      copartnership, corporate body, corporation, corral, crag, cumulate,
      cumulation, dappled, dig up, diversified corporation,
      draw together, dredge up, drive together, druid stone, eclectic,
      embrace, emulsify, enterprise, equivocal, fascicled, fasciculated,
      festooned pahoehoe, fifty-fifty, firm, freeze to, fuse, gather,
      gather in, gather together, gathered, gathering, get in,
      get together, glomerate, glomeration, gneiss, gob, granite, grasp,
      group, grow together, half-and-half, hang on, hang together, hash,
      heaped, heterogeneous, hodgepodge, hold, hold on, hold together,
      holding company, homogenize, house, hug, hunk, igneous rock,
      immingle, immix, in session, indiscriminate, industry, integrate,
      interblend, interlace, interlard, intermingle, intermix,
      intertwine, interweave, intricate, ironic, join, joined, joint,
      joint-stock association, joint-stock company, jumble, jumbled,
      juxtapose, knead, knot, knotted, lava, leagued, limestone,
      living rock, lump, lump together, lumped, magma, make up,
      mantlerock, many-sided, mass, massed, match, medley, meeting,
      merge, metamorphic rock, mingle, mingle-mangle, mingled,
      miscellanea, miscellaneous, miscellany, mix, mix up, mixed,
      mixture, mobilize, monolith, motley, multifaceted, multifarious,
      multinational, multiracial, muster, node, oddments, odds and ends,
      omnium-gatherum, operating company, packaged, pahoehoe, pair,
      partner, partnership, patchy, persist, piled, pillow lava,
      plunderbund, pluralistic, pool, porphyry, promiscuous,
      public utility, pudding stone, put together, raise, rake up, rally,
      regolith, rock, ropy lava, round up, rubble, rubblestone,
      sandstone, sarsen, schist, scoria, scramble, scrambled,
      scrape together, scree, sedimentary rock, set, shelly pahoehoe,
      shuffle, snowball, solid, solid body, solidify, stacked, stay,
      stay put, stick, stick together, stir up, stock company, stockpile,
      stone, sundries, syncretic, syncretize, syndicate, take hold of,
      take up, talus, throw together, thrown together, toss together,
      trade association, trust, tufa, tuff, utility, varied, variety,
      wad, whip in, work, wrapped up


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