change of mind
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
55 Moby Thesaurus words for "change of mind":
about-face, afterthoughts, ambitendency, ambivalence, amendment,
better thoughts, capriciousness, change of allegiance,
change of heart, changeableness, double-mindedness, dubiety,
dubiousness, fence-sitting, fence-straddling, fickleness, flip,
flip-flop, improvement, inconstancy, indecision, indecisiveness,
infirmity of purpose, instability, irresolution, mature judgment,
mercuriality, mugwumpery, mugwumpism, new birth, rebirth,
reclamation, recrudescence, redemption, reform, reformation,
regeneration, renascence, renewal, reversal, reverse, revival,
right-about, right-about-face, second thoughts, tergiversating,
tergiversation, turnabout, turnaround, uncertainty, undecidedness,
undeterminedness, unsettledness, unsettlement, volte-face
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