Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
49 Moby Thesaurus words for "cerulean":
Caelus, air, azure, azure-blue, azure-colored, azurean, azured,
azureous, beryl-blue, berylline, blue, blue sky, bluish, caelum,
canopy, canopy of heaven, ceruleous, cerulescent, cope, cyanean,
dark-blue, deep-blue, empyrean, ether, firmament, heaven, heavens,
hyaline, lift, lifts, light-blue, lightish-blue, livid, pavonian,
pavonine, peacock-blue, sapphire, sapphirine, sky, sky-blue,
sky-colored, sky-dyed, starry heaven, the blue, the blue serene,
turquoise, vault, vault of heaven, welkin
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