The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Calculator \Cal"cu*la*tor\, n. [L.: cf. F. calculateur.]
One who computes or reckons: one who estimates or considers
the force and effect of causes, with a view to form a correct
estimate of the effects.
[1913 Webster]
Ambition is no exact calculator. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
bitty box
<abuse> (Or "calculator") /bit'ee boks/ A computer
sufficiently small, primitive, or incapable as to cause a
hacker acute claustrophobia at the thought of developing
software on or for it. The term is especially used of small,
obsolescent, {single-tasking}-only {personal computers} such
as the {Atari 800}, {Osborne}, {Sinclair}, {VIC-20}, {TRS-80}
or {IBM PC}, but the term is a general pejorative opposite of
"real computer" (see {Get a real computer!}).
See also {mess-dos}, {toaster}, {toy}.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
55 Moby Thesaurus words for "calculator":
CA, CPA, Comptometer, abacist, abacus, accountant,
accountant general, actuary, adding, adding machine,
analog computer, arithmograph, arithmometer, auditor,
bank accountant, bank examiner, bookkeeper, calculating machine,
cash register, certified public accountant, chartered accountant,
clerk, comptroller, computation, computer, controller,
cost accountant, cost keeper, counter, difference engine,
digital computer, electronic computer, estimator, figurer,
intriguer, journalizer, listing machine, machinator, maneuverer,
manipulator, pari-mutuel machine, quipu, reckoner, recorder,
registrar, rule, schemer, slide rule, sliding scale, statistician,
strategist, suan pan, tabulator, tactician, wire-puller
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