basset n 1: smooth-haired breed of hound with short legs and long ears [syn: {basset}, {basset hound}] v 1: appear at the surface; "A seam of coal bassets" [syn: {basset}, {crop out}]
Basset \Bas"set\ (b[a^]s"s[e^]t or b[a^]s*s[e^]t"), n. [F. bassette, fr. It. bassetta. Cf. {Basso}.] A game at cards, resembling the modern faro, said to have been invented at Venice. [1913 Webster] Some dress, some dance, some play, not to forget Your piquet parties, and your dear basset. --Rowe. [1913 Webster]
Basset \Bas"set\ (b[a^]s"s[e^]t), a. [Cf. OF. basset somewhat low, dim. of bas low.] (Geol.) Inclined upward; as, the basset edge of strata. --Lyell. [1913 Webster]
Basset \Bas"set\, n. (Geol.) The edge of a geological stratum at the surface of the ground; the outcrop. [1913 Webster]
Basset \Bas"set\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Basseted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Basseting}.] (Geol.) To incline upward so as to appear at the surface; to crop out; as, a vein of coal bassets. [1913 Webster]