barrel cactus n 1: a cactus of the genus Ferocactus: unbranched barrel-shaped cactus having deep ribs with numerous spines and usually large funnel-shaped flowers followed by dry fruits 2: any cactus of the genus Echinocactus; strongly ribbed and very spiny; southwestern United States to Brazil [syn: {echinocactus}, {barrel cactus}]
barrel cactus \bar"rel cac"tus\ (b[a^]r"r[e^]l k[a^]k"t[u^]s), n.; pl. {barrel cacti} (b[a^]r"r[e^]l k[a^]k"t[imac]). any of several large cacti native to the southwestern U. S. and Mexico, having a short cylindrical form with deep vertical ribs and bearing sharp spines. They are classed in the genera {Ferocactus} and {Echinocactus}. [PJC] Barreled