Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
BARLEYCORN. A lineal measure, containing one-third of an inch. Dane's Ab. c.
211, a. 13, s. 9. The barleycorn was the first measure, with its division
and multiples, of all our measures of length, superfices, and capacity. Id.
c. 211, a. 1 2, s. 2.
Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date
John, an eminent citizen of the world. Spent early
days in the fields, breweries, and distilleries. Later resided
in cellars. John had a red nose. Was a great friend of
Bacchus. He was a "wasser," he is an "iser," and he will be a
"will be-er." Ambition: The end of temperance societies.
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