arrowroot n 1: a nutritive starch obtained from the root of the arrowroot plant 2: white-flowered West Indian plant whose root yields arrowroot starch [syn: {arrowroot}, {American arrowroot}, {obedience plant}, {Maranta arundinaceae}] 3: canna grown especially for its edible rootstock from which arrowroot starch is obtained [syn: {achira}, {indian shot}, {arrowroot}, {Canna indica}, {Canna edulis}]
Maranta \Ma*ran"ta\, prop. n. [NL.] (Bot.) A genus of endogenous plants found in tropical America, and some species also in India. They have tuberous roots containing a large amount of starch, and from one species ({Maranta arundinacea}, the American arrowroot or obedience plant) {arrowroot} ({arrowroot starch}) is obtained. Many kinds are cultivated for ornament. [1913 Webster]
Arrowroot \Ar"row*root`\, n. 1. (Bot.) A white-flowered west Indian plant of the genus {Maranta}, esp. {Maranta arundinacea}, now cultivated in many hot countries. Its root yields {arrowroot starch}. It said that the Indians used the roots to neutralize the venom in wounds made by poisoned arrows. Syn: arrowroot, American arrowroot, obedience plant. [1913 Webster] 2. A nutritive starch obtained from the rootstocks of {Maranta arundinacea}, and used as food, esp. for children an invalids; also, a similar starch obtained from other plants, as various species of {Maranta} and {Curcuma}. [1913 Webster]