
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adv 1: anew; "she tried again"; "they rehearsed the scene again"
           [syn: {again}, {once again}, {once more}, {over again}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Again \A*gain"\, Agains \A*gains"\, prep.
   Against; also, towards (in order to meet). [Obs.]
   [1913 Webster]

         Albeit that it is again his kind.        --Chaucer.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Again \A*gain"\ (?; 277), adv. [OE. agein, agayn, AS. ongegn,
   onge['a]n, against, again; on + ge['a]n, akin to Ger. gegewn
   against, Icel. gegn. Cf. {Gainsay}.]
   1. In return, back; as, bring us word again.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Another time; once more; anew.
      [1913 Webster]

            If a man die, shall he live again?    --Job xiv. 14.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. Once repeated; -- of quantity; as, as large again, half as
      much again.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. In any other place. [Archaic] --Bacon.
      [1913 Webster]

   5. On the other hand. "The one is my sovereign . . . the
      other again is my kinsman." --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

   6. Moreover; besides; further.
      [1913 Webster]

            Again, it is of great consequence to avoid, etc.
      [1913 Webster]

   {Again and again}, more than once; often; repeatedly.

   {Now and again}, now and then; occasionally.

   {To and again}, to and fro. [Obs.] --De Foe.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: Again was formerly used in many verbal combinations,
         as, again-witness, to witness against; again-ride, to
         ride against; again-come, to come against, to
         encounter; again-bring, to bring back, etc.
         [1913 Webster] Again
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
100 Moby Thesaurus words for "again":
      ab ovo, above, additionally, afresh, after all, albeit,
      all included, all the same, also, although, altogether,
      among other things, and all, and also, and so, anew, anon,
      another time, around, as new, as well, at all events,
      at another time, at any rate, at that moment, at that time,
      au reste, back, backward, beside, besides, beyond, bis, but,
      compare, contra, contrariwise, contrary, contrawise, conversely,
      da capo, de novo, ditto, else, en plus, encore, even, even so,
      extra, farther, for all that, for lagniappe, freshly, from scratch,
      from the beginning, howbeit, however, in addition, in any case,
      in any event, in reverse, in that case, inter alia,
      into the bargain, item, just the same, likewise, more, moreover,
      nevertheless, new, newly, nonetheless, notwithstanding,
      on that occasion, on the side, on top of, once again, once more,
      oppositely, over, over again, plus, rather, round, round about,
      similarly, still, then, thereat, therewith, though, to boot, too,
      twice over, two times, vice versa, when, yet, yet again


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