Typhoid fever
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Typhoid \Ty"phoid\, a. [Typhus + -oid: cf. F. typho["i]de, Gr.
?. See {Typhus}.] (Med.)
Of or pertaining to typhus; resembling typhus; of a low grade
like typhus; as, typhoid symptoms.
[1913 Webster]
{Typhoid fever}, a disease formerly confounded with typhus,
but essentially different from the latter. It is
characterized by fever, lasting usually three or more
weeks, diarrhaea with evacuations resembling pea soup in
appearance, and prostration and muscular debility,
gradually increasing and often becoming profound at the
acme of the disease. Its local lesions are a scanty
eruption of spots, resembling flea bites, on the belly,
enlargement of the spleen, and ulceration of the
intestines over the areas occupied by Peyer's glands. The
virus, or contagion, of this fever is supposed to be a
microscopic vegetable organism, or bacterium. Called also
{enteric fever}. See {Peyer's glands}.
{Typhoid state}, a condition common to many diseases,
characterized by profound prostration and other symptoms
resembling those of typhus.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
127 Moby Thesaurus words for "typhoid fever":
African lethargy, Asiatic cholera, Chagres fever, German measles,
Haverhill fever, acute articular rheumatism, ague, alkali disease,
amebiasis, amebic dysentery, anthrax, bacillary dysentery,
bastard measles, black death, black fever, blackwater fever,
breakbone fever, brucellosis, bubonic plague, cachectic fever,
cerebral rheumatism, chicken pox, cholera, cowpox, dandy fever,
deer fly fever, dengue, dengue fever, diphtheria, dumdum fever,
dysentery, elephantiasis, encephalitis lethargica, enteric fever,
erysipelas, famine fever, five-day fever, flu, frambesia,
glandular fever, grippe, hansenosis, hepatitis, herpes,
herpes simplex, herpes zoster, histoplasmosis, hookworm,
hydrophobia, infantile paralysis, infectious mononucleosis,
inflammatory rheumatism, influenza, jail fever, jungle rot,
kala azar, kissing disease, lepra, leprosy, leptospirosis, loa loa,
loaiasis, lockjaw, madness, malaria, malarial fever, marsh fever,
measles, meningitis, milzbrand, mumps, ornithosis, osteomyelitis,
paratyphoid fever, parotitis, parrot fever, pertussis, pneumonia,
polio, poliomyelitis, polyarthritis rheumatism, ponos, psittacosis,
rabbit fever, rabies, rat-bite fever, relapsing fever,
rheumatic fever, rickettsialpox, ringworm, rubella, rubeola,
scarlatina, scarlet fever, schistosomiasis, septic sore throat,
shingles, sleeping sickness, sleepy sickness, smallpox,
snail fever, splenic fever, spotted fever, strep throat,
swamp fever, tetanus, thrush, tinea, trench fever, trench mouth,
tuberculosis, tularemia, typhoid, typhus, typhus fever,
undulant fever, vaccinia, varicella, variola, venereal disease,
viral dysentery, whooping cough, yaws, yellow fever, yellow jack,
zona, zoster
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