
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: English mathematician who conceived of the Turing machine
         and broke German codes during World War II (1912-1954)
         [syn: {Turing}, {Alan Turing}, {Alan Mathison Turing}]
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

   1. {Alan Turing}.

   2. R.C. Holt <[email protected]> & J.R. Cordy
   <[email protected]>, U Toronto, 1982.  Descendant of
   Concurrent Euclid, an airtight super-Pascal.  Used mainly for
   teaching programming at both high school and university level.

   Available from Holt Software Assocs, Toronto.

   Versions for Sun, {MS-DOS}, Mac, etc.

   E-mail: <[email protected]>.

   ["Turing Language Report", R.C. Holt & J.R. Cordy, Report
   CSRI-153, CSRI, U Toronto, Dec 1983].

   ["The Turing Programming Language", R.C. Holt & J.R. Cordy,
   CACM 31(12) (Dec 1988)].

[email protected]