WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: neat and smart in appearance; "a clean-cut and well-bred
young man"; "the trig corporal in his jaunty cap"; "a
trim beard" [syn: {clean-cut}, {trig}, {trim}]
n 1: the mathematics of triangles and trigonometric functions
[syn: {trigonometry}, {trig}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
50 Moby Thesaurus words for "trig":
all ataunto, anal, ataunt, braw, bungup and bilge-free, chic,
classy, clothes-conscious, cosmopolitan, dapper, dashing, dinky,
dressed to advantage, dressed to kill, elegant, exquisite, genteel,
jaunty, natty, neat, nifty, nobby, posh, recherche, ritzy, sharp,
shipshape, sleek, slick, smart, smug, snazzy, snug, soigne,
soignee, sophisticated, spiffy, spruce, style-conscious, swank,
swanky, swell, taut, tidy, tight, tricksy, trim, well-cared-for,
well-dressed, well-groomed
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