Topographic chart

from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Chart \Chart\ (ch[aum]rt; k[aum]rt Obs.), n. [A doublet of card:
   cf. F. charte charter, carte card. See {Card}, and cf.
   1. A sheet of paper, pasteboard, or the like, on which
      information is exhibited, esp. when the information is
      arranged in tabular form; as, an historical chart.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. A map; esp., a hydrographic or marine map; a map on which
      is projected a portion of water and the land which it
      surrounds, or by which it is surrounded, intended
      especially for the use of seamen; as, the United States
      Coast Survey charts; the English Admiralty charts.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. A written deed; a charter.
      [1913 Webster]

   {Globular chart}, a chart constructed on a globular
      projection. See under {Globular}.

   {Heliographic chart}, a map of the sun with its spots.

   {Mercator's chart}, a chart constructed on the principle of
      Mercator's projection. See {Projection}.

   {Plane chart}, a representation of some part of the
      superficies of the globe, in which its spherical form is
      disregarded, the meridians being drawn parallel to each
      other, and the parallels of latitude at equal distances.

   {Selenographic chart}, a map representing the surface of the

   {Topographic chart}, a minute delineation of a limited place
      or region.
      [1913 Webster]

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