To take in

from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Take \Take\, v. t. [imp. {Took} (t[oo^]k); p. p. {Taken}
   (t[=a]k'n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Taking}.] [Icel. taka; akin to
   Sw. taga, Dan. tage, Goth. t[=e]kan to touch; of uncertain
   1. In an active sense; To lay hold of; to seize with the
      hands, or otherwise; to grasp; to get into one's hold or
      possession; to procure; to seize and carry away; to
      convey. Hence, specifically: 
      [1913 Webster]
      (a) To obtain possession of by force or artifice; to get
          the custody or control of; to reduce into subjection
          to one's power or will; to capture; to seize; to make
          prisoner; as, to take an army, a city, or a ship;
          also, to come upon or befall; to fasten on; to attack;
          to seize; -- said of a disease, misfortune, or the
          [1913 Webster]

                This man was taken of the Jews.   --Acts xxiii.
          [1913 Webster]

                Men in their loose, unguarded hours they take;
                Not that themselves are wise, but others weak.
          [1913 Webster]

                They that come abroad after these showers are
                commonly taken with sickness.     --Bacon.
          [1913 Webster]

                There he blasts the tree and takes the cattle
                And makes milch kine yield blood. --Shak.
          [1913 Webster]
      (b) To gain or secure the interest or affection of; to
          captivate; to engage; to interest; to charm.
          [1913 Webster]

                Neither let her take thee with her eyelids.
                                                  --Prov. vi.
          [1913 Webster]

                Cleombroutus was so taken with this prospect,
                that he had no patience.          --Wake.
          [1913 Webster]

                I know not why, but there was a something in
                those half-seen features, -- a charm in the very
                shadow that hung over their imagined beauty, --
                which took me more than all the outshining
                loveliness of her companions.     --Moore.
          [1913 Webster]
      (c) To make selection of; to choose; also, to turn to; to
          have recourse to; as, to take the road to the right.
          [1913 Webster]

                Saul said, Cast lots between me and Jonathan my
                son. And Jonathan was taken.      --1 Sam. xiv.
          [1913 Webster]

                The violence of storming is the course which God
                is forced to take for the destroying . . . of
                sinners.                          --Hammond.
          [1913 Webster]
      (d) To employ; to use; to occupy; hence, to demand; to
          require; as, it takes so much cloth to make a coat; it
          takes five hours to get to Boston from New York by
          [1913 Webster]

                This man always takes time . . . before he
                passes his judgments.             --I. Watts.
          [1913 Webster]
      (e) To form a likeness of; to copy; to delineate; to
          picture; as, to take a picture of a person.
          [1913 Webster]

                Beauty alone could beauty take so right.
          [1913 Webster]
      (f) To draw; to deduce; to derive. [R.]
          [1913 Webster]

                The firm belief of a future judgment is the most
                forcible motive to a good life, because taken
                from this consideration of the most lasting
                happiness and misery.             --Tillotson.
          [1913 Webster]
      (g) To assume; to adopt; to acquire, as shape; to permit
          to one's self; to indulge or engage in; to yield to;
          to have or feel; to enjoy or experience, as rest,
          revenge, delight, shame; to form and adopt, as a
          resolution; -- used in general senses, limited by a
          following complement, in many idiomatic phrases; as,
          to take a resolution; I take the liberty to say.
          [1913 Webster]
      (h) To lead; to conduct; as, to take a child to church.
          [1913 Webster]
      (i) To carry; to convey; to deliver to another; to hand
          over; as, he took the book to the bindery; he took a
          dictionary with him.
          [1913 Webster]

                He took me certain gold, I wot it well.
          [1913 Webster]
      (k) To remove; to withdraw; to deduct; -- with from; as,
          to take the breath from one; to take two from four.
          [1913 Webster]

   2. In a somewhat passive sense, to receive; to bear; to
      endure; to acknowledge; to accept. Specifically: 
      [1913 Webster]
      (a) To accept, as something offered; to receive; not to
          refuse or reject; to admit.
          [1913 Webster]

                Ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a
                murderer.                         --Num. xxxv.
          [1913 Webster]

                Let not a widow be taken into the number under
                threescore.                       --1 Tim. v.
          [1913 Webster]
      (b) To receive as something to be eaten or drunk; to
          partake of; to swallow; as, to take food or wine.
          [1913 Webster]
      (c) Not to refuse or balk at; to undertake readily; to
          clear; as, to take a hedge or fence.
          [1913 Webster]
      (d) To bear without ill humor or resentment; to submit to;
          to tolerate; to endure; as, to take a joke; he will
          take an affront from no man.
          [1913 Webster]
      (e) To admit, as, something presented to the mind; not to
          dispute; to allow; to accept; to receive in thought;
          to entertain in opinion; to understand; to interpret;
          to regard or look upon; to consider; to suppose; as,
          to take a thing for granted; this I take to be man's
          motive; to take men for spies.
          [1913 Webster]

                You take me right.                --Bacon.
          [1913 Webster]

                Charity, taken in its largest extent, is nothing
                else but the science love of God and our
                neighbor.                         --Wake.
          [1913 Webster]

                [He] took that for virtue and affection which
                was nothing but vice in a disguise. --South.
          [1913 Webster]

                You'd doubt his sex, and take him for a girl.
          [1913 Webster]
      (f) To accept the word or offer of; to receive and accept;
          to bear; to submit to; to enter into agreement with;
          -- used in general senses; as, to take a form or
          [1913 Webster]

                I take thee at thy word.          --Rowe.
          [1913 Webster]

                Yet thy moist clay is pliant to command; . . .
                Not take the mold.                --Dryden.
          [1913 Webster]

   3. To make a picture, photograph, or the like, of; as, to
      take a group or a scene. [Colloq.]
      [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

   4. To give or deliver (a blow to); to strike; hit; as, he
      took me in the face; he took me a blow on the head. [Obs.
      exc. Slang or Dial.]
      [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

   {To be taken aback}, {To take advantage of}, {To take air},
      etc. See under {Aback}, {Advantage}, etc.

   {To take aim}, to direct the eye or weapon; to aim.

   {To take along}, to carry, lead, or convey.

   {To take arms}, to commence war or hostilities.

   {To take away}, to carry off; to remove; to cause deprivation
      of; to do away with; as, a bill for taking away the votes
      of bishops. "By your own law, I take your life away."

   {To take breath}, to stop, as from labor, in order to breathe
      or rest; to recruit or refresh one's self.

   {To take care}, to exercise care or vigilance; to be
      solicitous. "Doth God take care for oxen?" --1 Cor. ix. 9.

   {To take care of}, to have the charge or care of; to care
      for; to superintend or oversee.

   {To take down}.
      (a) To reduce; to bring down, as from a high, or higher,
          place; as, to take down a book; hence, to bring lower;
          to depress; to abase or humble; as, to take down
          pride, or the proud. "I never attempted to be impudent
          yet, that I was not taken down." --Goldsmith.
      (b) To swallow; as, to take down a potion.
      (c) To pull down; to pull to pieces; as, to take down a
          house or a scaffold.
      (d) To record; to write down; as, to take down a man's
          words at the time he utters them.

   {To take effect}, {To take fire}. See under {Effect}, and

   {To take ground to the right} or {To take ground to the left}
      (Mil.), to extend the line to the right or left; to move,
      as troops, to the right or left.

   {To take heart}, to gain confidence or courage; to be

   {To take heed}, to be careful or cautious. "Take heed what
      doom against yourself you give." --Dryden.

   {To take heed to}, to attend with care, as, take heed to thy

   {To take hold of}, to seize; to fix on.

   {To take horse}, to mount and ride a horse.

   {To take in}.
      (a) To inclose; to fence.
      (b) To encompass or embrace; to comprise; to comprehend.
      (c) To draw into a smaller compass; to contract; to brail
          or furl; as, to take in sail.
      (d) To cheat; to circumvent; to gull; to deceive.
      (e) To admit; to receive; as, a leaky vessel will take in
      (f) To win by conquest. [Obs.]
          [1913 Webster]

                For now Troy's broad-wayed town
                He shall take in.                 --Chapman.
          [1913 Webster]
      (g) To receive into the mind or understanding. "Some
          bright genius can take in a long train of
          propositions." --I. Watts.
      (h) To receive regularly, as a periodical work or
          newspaper; to take. [Eng.]

   {To take in hand}. See under {Hand}.

   {To take in vain}, to employ or utter as in an oath. "Thou
      shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."
      --Ex. xx. 7.

   {To take issue}. See under {Issue}.

   {To take leave}. See {Leave}, n., 2.

   {To take a newspaper}, {magazine}, or the like, to receive it
      regularly, as on paying the price of subscription.

   {To take notice}, to observe, or to observe with particular

   {To take notice of}. See under {Notice}.

   {To take oath}, to swear with solemnity, or in a judicial

   {To take on}, to assume; to take upon one's self; as, to take
      on a character or responsibility.

   {To take one's own course}, to act one's pleasure; to pursue
      the measures of one's own choice.

   {To take order for}. See under {Order}.

   {To take order with}, to check; to hinder; to repress. [Obs.]

   {To take orders}.
      (a) To receive directions or commands.
      (b) (Eccl.) To enter some grade of the ministry. See
          {Order}, n., 10.

   {To take out}.
      (a) To remove from within a place; to separate; to deduct.
      (b) To draw out; to remove; to clear or cleanse from; as,
          to take out a stain or spot from cloth.
      (c) To produce for one's self; as, to take out a patent.

   {To take up}.
      (a) To lift; to raise. --Hood.
      (b) To buy or borrow; as, to take up goods to a large
          amount; to take up money at the bank.
      (c) To begin; as, to take up a lamentation. --Ezek. xix.
      (d) To gather together; to bind up; to fasten or to
          replace; as, to take up raveled stitches; specifically
          (Surg.), to fasten with a ligature.
      (e) To engross; to employ; to occupy or fill; as, to take
          up the time; to take up a great deal of room.
      (f) To take permanently. "Arnobius asserts that men of the
          finest parts . . . took up their rest in the Christian
          religion." --Addison.
      (g) To seize; to catch; to arrest; as, to take up a thief;
          to take up vagabonds.
      (h) To admit; to believe; to receive. [Obs.]
          [1913 Webster]

                The ancients took up experiments upon credit.
          [1913 Webster]
      (i) To answer by reproof; to reprimand; to berate.
          [1913 Webster]

                One of his relations took him up roundly.
          [1913 Webster]
      (k) To begin where another left off; to keep up in
          continuous succession; to take up (a topic, an
          [1913 Webster]

                Soon as the evening shades prevail,
                The moon takes up the wondrous tale. --Addison.
          [1913 Webster]
          [1913 Webster]
      (l) To assume; to adopt as one's own; to carry on or
          manage; as, to take up the quarrels of our neighbors;
          to take up current opinions. "They take up our old
          trade of conquering." --Dryden.
      (m) To comprise; to include. "The noble poem of Palemon
          and Arcite . . . takes up seven years." --Dryden.
      (n) To receive, accept, or adopt for the purpose of
          assisting; to espouse the cause of; to favor. --Ps.
          xxvii. 10.
      (o) To collect; to exact, as a tax; to levy; as, to take
          up a contribution. "Take up commodities upon our
          bills." --Shak.
      (p) To pay and receive; as, to take up a note at the bank.
      (q) (Mach.) To remove, as by an adjustment of parts; as,
          to take up lost motion, as in a bearing; also, to make
          tight, as by winding, or drawing; as, to take up slack
          thread in sewing.
      (r) To make up; to compose; to settle; as, to take up a
          quarrel. [Obs.] --Shak. -- (s) To accept from someone,
          as a wager or a challenge; as, J. took M. up on his

   {To take up arms}. Same as {To take arms}, above.

   {To take upon one's self}.
      (a) To assume; to undertake; as, he takes upon himself to
          assert that the fact is capable of proof.
      (b) To appropriate to one's self; to allow to be imputed
          to, or inflicted upon, one's self; as, to take upon
          one's self a punishment.

   {To take up the gauntlet}. See under {Gauntlet}.
      [1913 Webster]

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