WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a metallic tapping sound; "he counted the ticks of the
clock" [syn: {tick}, {ticking}]
2: any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed
proboscis; feed on blood of warm-blooded animals
3: a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed
etc.; "as he called the role he put a check mark by each
student's name" [syn: {check mark}, {check}, {tick}]
4: a light mattress
v 1: make a clicking or ticking sound; "The clock ticked away"
[syn: {click}, {tick}]
2: make a sound like a clock or a timer; "the clocks were
ticking"; "the grandfather clock beat midnight" [syn: {tick},
{ticktock}, {ticktack}, {beat}]
3: sew; "tick a mattress" [syn: {tick}, {retick}]
4: put a check mark on or near or next to; "Please check each
name on the list"; "tick off the items"; "mark off the units"
[syn: {check}, {check off}, {mark}, {mark off}, {tick off},
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tick \Tick\, n. [OE. tike, teke; akin to D. teek, G. zecke. Cf.
{Tike} a tick.] (Zool.)
(a) Any one of numerous species of large parasitic mites
which attach themselves to, and suck the blood of,
cattle, dogs, and many other animals. When filled with
blood they become ovate, much swollen, and usually
livid red in color. Some of the species often attach
themselves to the human body. The young are active and
have at first but six legs.
(b) Any one of several species of dipterous insects having
a flattened and usually wingless body, as the bird
ticks (see under {Bird}) and sheep tick (see under
[1913 Webster]
{Tick bean}, a small bean used for feeding horses and other
{Tick trefoil} (Bot.), a name given to many plants of the
leguminous genus {Desmodium}, which have trifoliate
leaves, and joined pods roughened with minute hooked hairs
by which the joints adhere to clothing and to the fleece
of sheep.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tick \Tick\, n. [LL. techa, teca, L. theca case, Gr. ?, fr. ? to
put. See {Thesis}.]
1. The cover, or case, of a bed, mattress, etc., which
contains the straw, feathers, hair, or other filling.
[1913 Webster]
2. Ticking. See {Ticking}, n.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tick \Tick\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Ticked}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Ticking}.] [Probably of imitative origin; cf. D. tikken, LG.
1. To make a small or repeating noise by beating or
otherwise, as a watch does; to beat.
[1913 Webster]
2. To strike gently; to pat.
[1913 Webster]
Stand not ticking and toying at the branches.
[1913 Webster]
Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
1. A {jiffy} (sense 1).
2. In simulations, the discrete unit of time that passes between
iterations of the simulation mechanism. In AI applications, this
amount of time is often left unspecified, since the only constraint of
interest is the ordering of events. This sort of AI simulation is
often pejoratively referred to as tick-tick-tick simulation,
especially when the issue of simultaneity of events with long,
independent chains of causes is {handwave}d.
3. In the FORTH language, a single quote character.
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
1. A {jiffy} (sense 1). 2. In simulations, the discrete unit
of time that passes between iterations of the simulation
mechanism. In AI applications, this amount of time is often
left unspecified, since the only constraint of interest is the
ordering of events. This sort of AI simulation is often
pejoratively referred to as "tick-tick-tick" simulation,
especially when the issue of simultaneity of events with long,
independent chains of causes is {handwave}d. 3. In the FORTH
language, a single quote character.
[{Jargon File}]
Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
TICK, contracts. Credit; as, if a servant usually buy for the master upon
tick, and the servant buy something without the master's order, yet, if the
master were trusted by the trader, he is liable. 1 Show. 95; 3 Keb. 625; 10
Mod. 111; 3 Esp. R. 214; 4 Esp. R. 174.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
218 Moby Thesaurus words for "tick":
act, arachnid, arthropod, bank credit, be effective, be in action,
beat, bedbug, beetle, birthmark, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish,
bloodsucker, blotch, book credit, borrowing power, brand, breath,
bug, bump, cash credit, caste mark, caterpillar, centipede, chalk,
chalk up, check, check off, checkmark, chilopod, chink, cicatrix,
cicatrize, click, clicking, clink, clop, clump, clunk,
commercial credit, consumer credit, coup, crack, credit,
credit insurance, credit rating, credit union, crump, cut,
daddy longlegs, dapple, dash, define, delimit, demarcate, diplopod,
discolor, discoloration, dot, drum, dull thud, earmark, engrave,
engraving, flash, fleck, flick, flump, fly, freckle, function,
gash, go, go pitapat, graving, hack, half a jiffy, half a mo,
half a second, half a shake, harvestman, hatch, have effect,
have free play, have play, hexapod, hire purchase plan, impress,
imprint, insect, installment credit, installment plan, instant,
investment credit, jiff, jiffy, jot, larva, leech, lentigo, line,
line of credit, macula, maggot, make a mark, mark, mark off,
mark out, marking, microsecond, militate, millepede, millipede,
millisecond, minute, mite, mole, moment, mosquito, mottle,
never-never, nevus, nick, notch, nymph, operate, pad, palpitate,
pant, parasite, pat, patch, patter, pencil, pepper, percolate,
perform, perk, pitapat, pitter-patter, play, plump, plunk, point,
polka dot, pop, prick, print, pulsate, pulse, punch, punctuate,
puncture, rap, rating, riddle, run, scar, scarification, scarify,
score, scorpion, scotch, scratch, scratching, seal, seam, sec,
second, shake, speck, speckle, spider, splash, split second,
splotch, spot, stain, stamp, stigma, stigmatize, strawberry mark,
streak, striate, stripe, stroke, take effect, tap, tarantula,
tattoo, tattoo mark, tax credit, throb, thud, thump, tick off,
ticking, ticktack, ticktick, ticktock, tinkle, tittle, trace,
trice, trust, tunk, twink, twinkle, twinkling, twitch, two shakes,
underline, underscore, watermark, wink, wood tick, work
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