Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
193 Moby Thesaurus words for "static":
Babel, abeyant, abiding, apathetic, at a standstill, at anchor,
atmospherics, battery-powered, bedlam, biostatic, birdies, blaring,
blasting, blind spot, blooping, blurping, cacophony, capacity,
cataleptic, catatonic, changeless, character, confusion of tongues,
constant, contemplative, continuing, crawling, creeping, dead,
dead-still, difficulties, difficulty, distortion, do-nothing,
dopey, dormant, drift, dull, durable, dynamoelectric, electric,
electric-powered, electrified, electrifying, electrochemical,
electrodynamic, electrokinetic, electromechanical, electrometric,
electromotive, electropneumatic, electrostatic, electrothermal,
enduring, fade-out, fading, feedback, firm, fixed, flak, flat,
flutter, fluttering, footing, foul, frozen, galvanic,
galvanometric, geostatic, groggy, heavy, hell, hissing, howling,
hum, hydroelectric, idle, immobile, immotive, immovable, immutable,
in abeyance, in suspense, inactive, inert, intact, interference,
invariable, inviolate, laissez-aller, laissez-faire, languid,
languorous, lasting, latent, leaden, lifeless, location, locus,
logy, meditative, motionless, motorboating, moveless, neuter,
neutral, noise, out of commission, pandemonium, paralytic,
paralyzed, passive, permanent, perpetual, persistent, phlegmatic,
photoelectric, piezoelectric, place, point, position, problems,
procrastinating, quiescent, quietist, quietistic, racket, rank,
reception, remaining, riding at anchor, rigid, rumble, scratching,
sedentary, shredding, site, situation, slack, sleeping, sluggish,
slumbering, smoldering, solid, spot, squeals, stabile, stable,
stagnant, stagnating, standing, standpat, state, station,
stationary, statuelike, staying, steadfast, steady, sticky, still,
stock-still, stopped, stuck, suspended, sustained, tame, torpid,
trouble, unactive, unaltered, unaroused, unchangeable, unchanged,
unchanging, unchecked, undestroyed, unemployed, unfading,
unfailing, unmoved, unmoving, unshifting, unvaried, unvarying,
vegetable, vegetative, voltaic, where, whistles, woomping, wow,
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