The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Rubbish \Rub"bish\, n. [OE. robows, robeux, rubble, originally
an Old French plural from an assumed dim. of robe, probably
in the sense of trash; cf. It. robaccia trash, roba stuff,
goods, wares, robe. Thus, etymologically rubbish is the pl.
of rubble. See {Robe}, and cf. {Rubble}.]
Waste or rejected matter; anything worthless; valueless
stuff; trash; especially, fragments of building materials or
fallen buildings; ruins; d['e]bris.
[1913 Webster]
What rubbish and what offal! --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
he saw the town's one half in rubbish lie. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
{Rubbish pulley}. See {Gin block}, under {Gin}.
[1913 Webster]
The Devil's Dictionary (1881-1906)
RUBBISH, n. Worthless matter, such as the religions, philosophies,
literatures, arts and sciences of the tribes infesting the regions
lying due south from Boreaplas.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
181 Moby Thesaurus words for "rubbish":
absurdity, afterglow, afterimage, amphigory, attack, babble,
babblement, bad-mouth, balance, balderdash, baloney, bibble-babble,
bilge, blabber, blather, bombast, bosh, bric-a-brac, bull,
bullshit, bunk, bunkum, butt, butt end, candle ends, castaway,
castoff, cattle, chaff, chicken feed, chickenshit, clamjamfry,
claptrap, clobber, crap, criticize, debris, derelict, destroy,
details, detritus, discard, dogie, double-talk, dregs,
dregs of society, drivel, drool, dross, dust, end, eyewash,
fag end, fiddle-faddle, fiddledeedee, filings, flapdoodle, flotsam,
flotsam and jetsam, flummery, folderol, fossil, foundling,
fragments, froth, fudge, fustian, gabble, galimatias, gammon,
garbage, gibber, gibberish, gibble-gabble, gimcrackery,
gobbledygook, hocus-pocus, hogwash, hokum, holdover, hooey, humbug,
husks, jabber, jargon, jetsam, jump all over, jump on, junk,
kelter, knickknackery, lagan, leavings, lees, leftovers, litter,
lumber, malarkey, minutiae, moonshine, mumbo jumbo, narrishkeit,
niaiserie, nonsense, odds and ends, offal, offscourings, offscum,
orphan, orts, pack of nonsense, palaver, pan, pap, parings,
peanuts, piffle, poppycock, prate, prattle, raff, rags, rant,
refuse, reject, rejects, relics, remainder, remains, remnant,
residue, residuum, rest, riffraff, rigamarole, rigmarole, roach,
rodomontade, rot, rubble, ruins, rump, sawdust, scourings, scrap,
scraps, scum, shadow, shavings, shoddy, skimble-skamble, slop,
small beer, small change, sordes, straw, stubble,
stuff and nonsense, stultiloquence, stump, survival, sweepings,
swinish multitude, tommyrot, trace, trash, trifles, trivia, truck,
trumpery, twaddle, twattle, twiddle-twaddle, vaporing, vermin,
vestige, waffling, waif, waifs and strays, waste, wastrel
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