Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
81 Moby Thesaurus words for "paralyzed":
aghast, appalled, ashen, astounded, awed, awestricken, awestruck,
blanched, blind, blind drunk, blotto, contemplative, cowed,
crippled, deadly pale, disabled, disarmed, disqualified,
do-nothing, dormant, frozen, gray with fear, hamstrung, helpless,
hog-tied, horrified, horror-struck, idle, immobile, inactive,
incapacitated, inert, intimidated, invalidated, laissez-aller,
laissez-faire, meditative, motionless, neuter, neutral, out,
out cold, overcome, pale as death, pallid, paralytic, passed out,
passive, petrified, procrastinating, prostrate, quiescent,
quietist, quietistic, scared stiff, scared to death, stagnant,
stagnating, standpat, static, stationary, stiff, stoned, stunned,
stupefied, terrified, terror-crazed, terror-haunted, terror-ridden,
terror-riven, terror-shaken, terror-smitten, terror-struck,
terror-troubled, under the table, undone, unmanned, unnerved,
unstrung, vegetable, vegetative
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