The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Pagan \Pa"gan\ (p[=a]"gan), n. [L. paganus a countryman,
peasant, villager, a pagan, fr. paganus of or pertaining to
the country, rustic, also, pagan, fr. pagus a district,
canton, the country, perh. orig., a district with fixed
boundaries: cf. pangere to fasten. Cf. {Painim}, {Peasant},
and {Pact}, also {Heathen}.]
One who worships false gods; an idolater; a heathen; one who
is neither a Christian, a Mohammedan, nor a Jew.
[1913 Webster]
Neither having the accent of Christians, nor the gait
of Christian, pagan, nor man. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: Gentile; heathen; idolater.
Usage: {Pagan}, {Gentile}, {Heathen}. Gentile was applied to
the other nations of the earth as distinguished from
the Jews. Pagan was the name given to idolaters in the
early Christian church, because the villagers, being
most remote from the centers of instruction, remained
for a long time unconverted. Heathen has the same
origin. Pagan is now more properly applied to rude and
uncivilized idolaters, while heathen embraces all who
practice idolatry.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Pagan \Pa"gan\, a. [L. paganus of or pertaining to the country,
pagan. See {Pagan}, n.]
Of or pertaining to pagans; relating to the worship or the
worshipers of false goods; heathen; idolatrous, as, pagan
tribes or superstitions.
[1913 Webster]
And all the rites of pagan honor paid. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
78 Moby Thesaurus words for "pagan":
Gentile, Gothic, Philistine, allotheist, allotheistic, animist,
animistic, atheist, atheistic, barbarous, bibliolatrous, bookless,
chthonian, deceived, disbeliever, disbelieving, ethnic, faithless,
fetishistic, functionally illiterate, gentile, grammarless,
heathen, heathenish, hoodwinked, idol worshiping, idolater,
idolatric, idolatrical, idolatrous, idolistic, ill-educated,
illiterate, infidel, infidelic, led astray, lowbrow, minimifidian,
misinformed, misinstructed, mistaught, nonbeliever,
nonintellectual, nullifidian, paganish, paganistic,
pagano-Christian, polytheist, polytheistic, profane, rude,
secularist, unbeliever, unbelieving, unbooked, unbookish,
unbooklearned, unbriefed, unchristian, uncultivated, uncultured,
unedified, uneducated, unerudite, unguided, uninstructed,
unintellectual, unlearned, unlettered, unliterary, unread,
unrefined, unscholarly, unschooled, unstudious, untaught,
untutored, zoolatrous
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