WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: an account of the author's personal experiences
2: an essay on a scientific or scholarly topic
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Memoir \Mem"oir\, or pl. Memoirs \Mem"oirs\, n. [F. m['e]moire,
m., memorandum, fr. m['e]moire, f., memory, L. memoria. See
1. A memorial account; a history composed from personal
experience and memory; an account of transactions or
events (usually written in familiar style) as they are
remembered by the writer. See {History}, 2.
[1913 Webster]
2. A memorial of any individual; a biography; often, a
biography written without special regard to method and
[1913 Webster]
3. An account of something deemed noteworthy; an essay; a
record of investigations of any subject; the journals and
proceedings of a society.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
129 Moby Thesaurus words for "memoir":
Clio, Muse of history, account, accounts, adventures, adversaria,
aide-memoire, anecdote, annals, annotation, article, autobiography,
biographical sketch, biography, case history, causerie, chronicle,
chronicles, chronology, commitment to memory, confessions,
curriculum vitae, descant, diary, discourse, discussion,
disquisition, dissertation, docket, entry, essay, etude,
examination, excursus, exercise of memory, experiences, exposition,
feature, first approach, flashback, footnote, fortunes,
hagiography, hagiology, hindsight, historiography, history, homily,
introductory study, item, jotting, journal, learning by heart,
legend, letters, life, life and letters, life story, looking back,
lucubration, marginal note, marginalia, martyrology, memo, memoirs,
memorabilia, memorandum, memorial, memorials, memories,
memorization, memorizing, memory, minutes, monograph, morceau,
narrative, necrology, notation, note, obituary, outline, pandect,
paper, paragraph, photobiography, piece, preliminary study,
profile, prolegomenon, recall, recalling, recollecting,
recollection, reconsideration, record, records, reflection,
register, registry, remembering, remembrance, reminder,
reminiscence, report, reportage, research paper, resume,
retrospect, retrospection, review, rote, rote memory, scholia,
scholium, screed, sketch, special article, story, study, survey,
term paper, theme, theory of history, thesis, tract, tractate,
treatise, treatment
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