Magnolia acuminata

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
Magnolia acuminata
    n 1: American deciduous magnolia having large leaves and fruit
         like a small cucumber [syn: {cucumber tree}, {Magnolia
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Magnolia \Mag*no"li*a\, n. [NL. Named after Pierre Magnol,
   professor of botany at Montpellier, France, in the 17th
   century.] (Bot.)
   A genus of American and Asiatic trees, with aromatic bark and
   large sweet-scented whitish or reddish flowers.
   [1913 Webster]

   Note: {Magnolia grandiflora} has coriaceous shining leaves
         and very fragrant blossoms. It is common from North
         Carolina to Florida and Texas, and is one of the most
         magnificent trees of the American forest. The sweet bay
         ({Magnolia glauca})is a small tree found sparingly as
         far north as Cape Ann. Other American species are
         {Magnolia Umbrella}, {Magnolia macrophylla}, {Magnolia
         Fraseri}, {Magnolia acuminata}, and {Magnolia cordata}.
         {Magnolia conspicua} and {Magnolia purpurea} are
         cultivated shrubs or trees from Eastern Asia. {Magnolia
         Campbellii}, of India, has rose-colored or crimson
         [1913 Webster]

   {Magnolia warbler} (Zool.), a beautiful North American wood
      warbler ({Dendroica maculosa}). The rump and under parts
      are bright yellow; the breast and belly are spotted with
      black; the under tail coverts are white; the crown is ash.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Cucumber \Cu"cum*ber\ (k?`k?m-b?r, formerly kou"k?m-b?r), n.
   [OE. cucumer, cocumber, cucumber, fr. L. cucmis,
   gen.cucumeris; cf. OF. cocombre,F. concombre.] (Bot.)
   A creeping plant, and its fruit, of several species of the
   genus {Cucumis}, esp. {Cucumis sativus}, the unripe fruit of
   which is eaten either fresh or picked. Also, similar plants
   or fruits of several other genera. See below.
   [1913 Webster]

   {Bitter cucumber} (Bot.), the {Citrullus Colocynthis} syn.
      {Cucumis Colocynthis}. See {Colocynth}.

   {Cucumber beetle.} (Zool.)
   (a) A small, black flea-beetle ({Crepidodera cucumeris}),
       which destroys the leaves of cucumber, squash, and melon
   (b) The squash beetle.

   {Cucumber tree}.
   (a) A large ornamental or shade tree of the genus {Magnolia}
       {(Magnolia acuminata)}, so called from a slight
       resemblance of its young fruit to a small cucumber.
   (b) An East Indian plant ({Averrhoa Bilimbi}) which produces
       the fruit known as bilimbi.

   {Jamaica cucumber}, {Jerusalem cucumber}, the prickly-fruited
      gherkin ({Cucumis Anguria}).

   {Snake cucumber}, a species ({Cucumis flexuosus}) remarkable
      for its long, curiously-shaped fruit.

   {Squirting cucumber}, a plant ({Ecbalium Elaterium}) whose
      small oval fruit separates from the footstalk when ripe
      and expels its seeds and juice with considerable force
      through the opening thus made. See {Elaterium}.

   {Star cucumber}, a climbing weed ({Sicyos angulatus}) with
      prickly fruit.
      [1913 Webster]

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