Local circuit

from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Local \Lo"cal\ (l[=o]"kal), a. [L. localis, fr. locus place: cf.
   F. local. See {Lieu}, {Locus}.]
   Of or pertaining to a particular place, or to a definite
   region or portion of space; restricted to one place or
   region; as, a local custom.
   [1913 Webster]

         Gives to airy nothing
         A local habitation and a name.           --Shak.
   [1913 Webster]

   {Local actions} (Law), actions such as must be brought in a
      particular county, where the cause arises; --
      distinguished from {transitory actions}.

   {Local affection} (Med.), a disease or ailment confined to a
      particular part or organ, and not directly affecting the

   {Local attraction} (Magnetism), an attraction near a compass,
      causing its needle to deviate from its proper direction,
      especially on shipboard.

   {Local battery} (Teleg.), the battery which actuates the
      recording instruments of a telegraphic station, as
      distinguished from the battery furnishing a current for
      the line.

   {Local circuit} (Teleg.), the circuit of the local battery.

   {Local color}.
   (a) (Paint.) The color which belongs to an object, and is not
       caused by accidental influences, as of reflection,
       shadow, etc.
   (b) (Literature) Peculiarities of the place and its
       inhabitants where the scene of an action or story is

   {Local option}, the right or obligation of determining by
      popular vote within certain districts, as in each county,
      city, or town, whether the sale of alcoholic beverages
      within the district shall be allowed.
      [1913 Webster]

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