WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: characterized by enmity or ill will; "a hostile nation";
"a hostile remark"; "hostile actions" [ant: {amicable}]
2: not belonging to your own country's forces or those of an
ally; "hostile naval and air forces" [ant: {friendly}]
3: impossible to bring into friendly accord; "hostile factions"
4: very unfavorable to life or growth; "a hostile climate"; "an
uncongenial atmosphere"; "an uncongenial soil"; "the
unfriendly environment at high altitudes" [syn: {hostile},
{uncongenial}, {unfriendly}]
5: unsolicited and resisted by the management of the target
company ( used of attempts to buy or take control of a
business); "hostile takeover"; "hostile tender offer";
"hostile bid"
n 1: troops belonging to the enemy's military forces; "the
platoon ran into a pack of hostiles" [ant: {friendly}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Hostile \Hos"tile\, a. [L. hostilis, from hostis enemy: cf. F.
hostile. See {Host} an army.]
Belonging or appropriate to an enemy; showing the disposition
of an enemy; showing ill will and malevolence, or a desire to
thwart and injure; occupied by an enemy or enemies; inimical;
unfriendly; as, a hostile force; hostile intentions; a
hostile country; hostile to a sudden change.
Syn: Warlike; inimical; unfriendly; antagonistic; opposed;
adverse; opposite; contrary; repugnant.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Aggressive \Ag*gres"sive\, a. [Cf. F. agressif.]
1. Tending or disposed to aggress; having or showing
determination and energetic pursuit of one's own ends at
the expense of others or mindless of others' needs or
desires; characterized by aggression; making assaults;
unjustly attacking; as, an aggressive policy, war, person,
nation; an aggressive businessman; an aggressive
basketball player; he was aggressive and imperious in his
convictions; aggressive drivers. Opposite of
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
No aggressive movement was made. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]
2. Marked by self-confident ambition, vigorous
competitiveness, energy and initiative; as, an aggressive
young executive.
Syn: enterprising, pushful, pushing, pushy
[WordNet 1.5]
3. (Med., Biol.) Tending to grow or spread quickly; as, an
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
194 Moby Thesaurus words for "hostile":
acrid, adversary, adversative, adverse, adversive, against,
aggressive, alien, allergic, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic,
antithetic, antonymous, argumentative, at cross-purposes,
at loggerheads, at odds, at variance, at war, averse, balancing,
battling, bellicose, belligerent, bitter, bloodthirsty, bloody,
bloody-minded, breakaway, caustic, chauvinist, chauvinistic,
clashing, cold, colliding, combative, compensating, competitive,
con, conflicting, confronting, contentious, contradicting,
contradictory, contradistinct, contrapositive, contrarious,
contrary, contrasted, converse, counter, counteractant,
counteracting, counteractive, counterbalancing, counterpoised,
countervailing, counterworking, cranky, cross, crotchety,
dead against, despiteful, detrimental, differing, difficult, dim,
disaccordant, disaffected, disagreeable, disagreeing, disapproving,
discordant, discrepant, disenchanted, disharmonious, disinclined,
displeased, disproportionate, dissentient, dissident, dissonant,
divergent, dour, enemy, eyeball to eyeball, ferocious, fierce,
fighting, fractious, full of fight, full of hate, grating, hard,
harmful, hateful, hawkish, ill, immiscible, in opposition,
inaccordant, incompatible, inconsistent, inharmonious,
inhospitable, inimical, inverse, jangling, jarring, jingo,
jingoish, jingoist, jingoistic, loath, malevolent, malicious,
malignant, martial, militant, militaristic, military, miserable,
negative, nonconformist, noncooperative, not charmed, not easy,
obstinate, obverse, offensive, opponent, opposed, opposing,
opposite, oppositional, oppositive, oppugnant, out of accord,
out of whack, overthwart, perverse, pugnacious, put off,
quarrelsome, rancorous, reactionary, recalcitrant, refractory,
renitent, repugnant, resistant, reverse, revolutionary, rigorous,
rival, saber-rattling, sanguinary, sanguineous, savage, scrappy,
set against, sinister, soldierlike, soldierly, sore, sour,
spiteful, squared off, stressful, trigger-happy, troublesome,
troublous, truculent, trying, uncongenial, uncooperative,
unfavorable, unfriendly, unharmonious, unpacific, unpeaceable,
unpeaceful, unpropitious, unsympathetic, untoward, variant,
venomous, virulent, vitriolic, warlike, warmongering, warring,
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