WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a group of chiefly woody plants considered among the most
primitive of angiosperms; perianth poorly developed or
lacking; flowers often unisexual and often in catkins and
often wind pollinated; contains 23 families including the
Betulaceae and Fagaceae (includes the Amentiferae);
sometimes classified as a superorder [syn: {Hamamelidae},
{subclass Hamamelidae}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Hamamelidae \Hamamelidae\ n.
a group of chiefly woody plants considered among the most
primitive of angiosperms; they have a perianth poorly
developed or lacking, and flowers often unisexual and often
in catkins and often wind pollinated. The group contains 23
families including the Betulaceae and Fagaceae (includes the
Amentiferae); sometimes it is classified as a superorder.
Syn: subclass Hamamelidae.
[WordNet 1.5]
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