Gorky n 1: Russian writer of plays and novels and short stories; noted for his depiction of social outcasts [syn: {Gorky}, {Maksim Gorky}, {Gorki}, {Maxim Gorki}, {Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov}, {Aleksey Maximovich Peshkov}] 2: an industrial city in the European part of Russia; birthplace of Maksim Gorky [syn: {Nizhnyi Novgorod}, {Nizhni Novgorod}, {Gorki}, {Gorky}, {Gorkiy}]
Gorky \Gorky\ prop. n. An industrial city in the European part of Soviet Russia. Syn: Gorki, Gorkiy, Nizhni Novgorod. [WordNet 1.5]
GORKY M., a resident of Russia who became unpopular with the government and moved. He endeavored to make a lecture tour of the United States accompanied by another man's wife. Learned that this was not the usual custom in America. His managers and hotel proprietors requested him to continue his travels. Ambition: A czarless Russia; less fussy people. Publications: Much unpatriotic literature.