The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Flippant \Flip"pant\, a. [Prov. E. flip to move nimbly; cf. W.
llipa soft, limber, pliant, or Icel. fleipa to babble,
prattle. Cf. {Flip}, {Fillip}, {Flap}, {Flipper}.]
1. Of smooth, fluent, and rapid speech; speaking with ease
and rapidity; having a voluble tongue; talkative.
[1913 Webster]
It becometh good men, in such cases, to be flippant
and free in their speech. --Barrow.
[1913 Webster]
2. Speaking fluently and confidently, without knowledge or
consideration; empty; trifling; inconsiderate; pert;
petulant. "Flippant epilogues." --Thomson.
[1913 Webster]
To put flippant scorn to the blush. --I. Taylor.
[1913 Webster]
A sort of flippant, vain discourse. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
108 Moby Thesaurus words for "flippant":
airy, bantering, belittling, biggety, bluff, booing, brash, brazen,
careless, casual, catcalling, chaffing, cheeky, chutzpadik, cocky,
contemptuous, crusty, cursory, degage, derisive, derisory,
discourteous, dismissive, disregardant, disregardful,
disrespectful, easygoing, facetious, facy, fleering, flip, fooling,
forgetful, free and easy, fresh, frivolous, gally, gratuitous,
grinning, heedless, hissing, hooting, impertinent, impudent,
inconsiderate, indifferent, insolent, insouciant, irreverent,
jeering, jocular, joshing, kidding, lazy, leering, light-hearted,
malapert, mocking, nervy, oblivious, offhand, offhanded, panning,
perfunctory, pert, quizzical, ragging, railing, rallying, razzing,
reckless, regardless, respectless, ridiculing, roasting, rude,
sassy, saucy, scoffing, scornful, shallow, smart, smart-alecky,
smart-ass, smirking, sneering, snickering, sniggering, snorting,
supercilious, superficial, tactless, taunting, teasing,
thoughtless, twitting, uncalled-for, undiplomatic, unheedful,
unheeding, unmindful, unprepared, unready, unserious, unsolicitous,
untactful, unthinking, wise-ass
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