
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: having a blemish or flaw; "a flawed diamond"; "an
           irregular pair of jeans" [syn: {blemished}, {flawed}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Flaw \Flaw\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Flawed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   1. To crack; to make flaws in.
      [1913 Webster]

            The brazen caldrons with the frosts are flawed.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To break; to violate; to make of no effect. [Obs.]
      [1913 Webster]

            France hath flawed the league.        --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
flawed \flawed\ (fl[add]d), a.
   having flaws or imperfections; not perfect; -- applied
   broadly; as, a flawed vase; a flawed performance; a flawed

   Syn: blemished.
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
140 Moby Thesaurus words for "flawed":
      aberrant, abroad, absonant, actionable, adrift, against the law,
      all abroad, all off, all wrong, amiss, anarchic, anarchistic,
      anomic, askew, astray, at fault, awry, beside the mark,
      black-market, blemished, bootleg, chargeable, checked, cicatrized,
      contraband, contradictory, contrary to law, contrary to reason,
      corrupt, cracked, crazed, criminal, damaged, deceptive, defaced,
      defective, deformed, delusive, deviant, deviational, deviative,
      disfigured, distorted, errant, erring, erroneous, fallacious,
      false, faultful, faulty, felonious, harmed, heretical, heterodox,
      illegal, illegitimate, illicit, illogical, illusory, impaired,
      imperfect, impermissible, inauthentic, inconclusive, incongruous,
      inconsequent, inconsequential, inconsistent, invalid, irrational,
      irregular, justiciable, keloidal, kinked, lawless, loose, marred,
      nonconstitutional, nonlegal, nonlicit, nonscientific,
      not following, not right, not true, off, off the track, out,
      outlaw, outlawed, paralogical, peccant, perverse, perverted,
      pimpled, pimply, punishable, reasonless, scabbed, scabby,
      scarified, scarred, self-annulling, self-contradictory,
      self-refuting, senseless, sick, split, spoiled, stained, straying,
      tainted, tarnished, triable, twisted, unallowed, unauthentic,
      unauthorized, unconnected, unconstitutional, under-the-counter,
      under-the-table, unfactual, unlawful, unofficial, unorthodox,
      unphilosophical, unproved, unreasonable, unscientific, unsound,
      unstatutory, untrue, unwarrantable, unwarranted, warped, weakened,
      wide, without reason, wrong, wrongful


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