Felis leopardus

from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Leopard \Leop"ard\ (l[e^]p"[~e]rd), n. [OE. leopart, leparde,
   lebarde, libbard, OF. leopard, liepart, F. l['e]opard, L.
   leopardus, fr. Gr. leo`pardos; le`wn lion + pa`rdos pard. See
   {Lion}, and {Pard}.] (Zool.)
   A large, savage, carnivorous mammal ({Felis leopardus}). It
   is of a yellow or fawn color, with rings or roselike clusters
   of black spots along the back and sides. It is found in
   Southern Asia and Africa. By some the panther ({Felis
   pardus}) is regarded as a variety of leopard.
   [1913 Webster]

   {Hunting leopard}. See {Cheetah}. 

   {Leopard cat} (Zool.) any one of several species or varieties
      of small, spotted cats found in Africa, Southern Asia, and
      the East Indies; esp., {Felis Bengalensis}.

   {Leopard marmot}. See {Gopher}, 2.
      [1913 Webster]

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