Expanded Memory Specification EMS LIM EMS <storage> (EMS) An {IBM PC} memory {paging} scheme enabling access to memory other than {conventional memory} in {real mode}. {Expanded memory} is provided through a {page frame} of at least 64 {kilobytes} in the {reserved memory} address region. Access to this memory is provided by an {expanded memory manager} (EMM) software. The EMM functions are accessible through {interrupt} 67H. In {8086} or {8088} based systems this is the only way to use memory beyond conventional memory. In systems based on {80286} or later, {XMS} and {HMA} provide alternative methods. EMS was developed jointly by {Lotus}, {Intel}, and {Microsoft} prior to 1988. Accordingly, this specification is sometimes referred to as LIM EMS. A complete discussion of EMS and programming examples can be found in ["PC System Programming for developers", 1989, ISBN 1-55755-035-2 (Book only) and ISBN 1-55755-036-0 (Book and diskette)]. {EEMS}, a competing expanded memory management standard, was developed by {AST Research}, {Quadram} and {Ashton-Tate}. See also {upper memory block}. (1996-01-10)
EMS Enhanced Messaging Service (mobile-systems)
EMS Expanded Memory Specification (DOS, Intel)
EMS European Mathematical Society (org.)