Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
102 Moby Thesaurus words for "darling":
admired, adorable, adored, alluring, ambrosial, angel, attractive,
babe, baby, baby-doll, bairn, beloved, beloved object, bewitching,
buttercup, charming, cherished, cherub, chick, chickabiddy, child,
chit, cosset, crush, dear, dear one, dearly beloved, deary,
delectable, delicious, doll, duck, duckling, enchanting, engaging,
esteemed, favorite, fetching, flame, fondling, heavenly, held dear,
hon, honey, honey bunch, honey child, idol, innocent, jewel, kid,
kitten, lamb, lambkin, light of love, little bugger, little fellow,
little guy, little innocent, little one, little tad, little tot,
love, loved, loved one, lovely, lover, luscious, lush,
matinee idol, minion, mite, nipper, offspring, peewee, pet,
petkins, pleasing, popular, precious, precious heart, preference,
prized, revered, scrumptious, shaver, snookums, spoiled child,
sugar, sweet, sweetheart, sweetie, sweetkins, sweets, tad, tot,
treasured, truelove, wee tot, well-beloved, well-liked,
white-haired, yummy
Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date
Grace, a light-house keeper's daughter who showed the
world that a woman may fear a mouse, but not a tempest. One of
the truly brave who did not receive a Carnegie advertisement.
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