Blue Box

from Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
blue box


   1. obs. Once upon a time, before all-digital switches made it possible
   for the phone companies to move them out of band, one could actually
   hear the switching tones used to route long-distance calls. Early
   {phreaker}s built devices called blue boxes that could reproduce these
   tones, which could be used to commandeer portions of the phone
   network. (This was not as hard as it may sound; one early phreak
   acquired the sobriquet "Captain Crunch" after he proved that he could
   generate switching tones with a plastic whistle pulled out of a box of
   Captain Crunch cereal!) There were other colors of box with more
   specialized phreaking uses; red boxes, black boxes, silver boxes, etc.
   There were boxes of other colors as well, but the blue box was the
   original and archetype.

   2. n. An {IBM} machine, especially a large (non-PC) one.
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Blue Box

   <operating system> The complete implementation of the {Mac OS}
   run-time environment on the more modern {Rhapsody} operating
   system.  {Blue Box} is not an {emulation} layer; at any given
   time it will be based on the same source code and ROM image as
   the current version of Mac OS and will thus incorporate future
   Mac OS improvements.


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