
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: without civilizing influences; "barbarian invaders";
           "barbaric practices"; "a savage people"; "fighting is
           crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are
           efficient"-Margaret Meade; "wild tribes" [syn:
           {barbarian}, {barbaric}, {savage}, {uncivilized},
           {uncivilised}, {wild}]
    2: unrestrained and crudely rich; "barbaric use of color or
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Barbaric \Bar*bar"ic\ (b[aum]r*b[a^]r"[i^]k), a. [L. barbaricus
   foreign, barbaric, Gr. barbariko`s.]
   1. Of, or from, barbarian nations; foreign; -- often with
      reference to barbarous nations of east. "Barbaric pearl
      and gold." --Milton.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Of or pertaining to, or resembling, an uncivilized person
      or people; barbarous; barbarian; destitute of refinement.
      "Wild, barbaric music." --Sir W. Scott.
      [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
180 Moby Thesaurus words for "barbaric":
      Doric, Draconian, Gothic, Neanderthal, Philistine, Tartarean,
      aggressive, alien, animal, anthropophagous, atrocious, barbarian,
      barbarous, beastly, bestial, blatant, bloodthirsty, bloody,
      bloody-minded, bookless, brutal, brutalized, brute, brutish,
      cacophonous, cannibalistic, careless, clumsy, coarse, crude, cruel,
      cruel-hearted, deceived, demoniac, demoniacal, devilish, diabolic,
      doggerel, dysphemistic, erroneous, exotic, exterior, external,
      extraneous, extraterrestrial, extrinsic, faulty, fell, feral,
      ferine, ferocious, fiendish, fiendlike, fierce, flamboyant, flashy,
      florid, foreign, foreign-born, functionally illiterate, garish,
      gaudy, graceless, grammarless, gross, harsh, heathen, hellish,
      hoodwinked, ill-bred, ill-educated, illiterate, impolite,
      imprecise, improper, impure, in bad taste, incline, inconcinnate,
      inconcinnous, incorrect, indecorous, inelegant, infelicitous,
      infernal, inhuman, inhumane, intrusive, kill-crazy, led astray,
      loose, loud, low, lowbrow, malign, malignant, merciless,
      misinformed, misinstructed, mistaught, murderous, noncivilized,
      nonintellectual, ornate, ostentatious, outland, outlandish,
      outside, pagan, pitiless, primitive, raucous, rough,
      rough-and-ready, rude, ruthless, sadistic, sanguinary, sanguineous,
      satanic, savage, sharkish, showy, slavering, slipshod, slovenly,
      solecistic, strange, subhuman, tameless, tasteless, tawdry,
      troglodytic, truculent, ulterior, unbooked, unbookish,
      unbooklearned, unbriefed, unchristian, uncivil, uncivilized,
      uncombed, uncourtly, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured,
      undignified, unearthly, unedified, uneducated, unerudite,
      uneuphonious, unfelicitous, ungentle, ungraceful, ungrammatic,
      unguided, unhuman, uninstructed, unintellectual, unkempt,
      unlearned, unlettered, unlicked, unliterary, unpolished, unread,
      unrefined, unscholarly, unschooled, unseemly, unstudious, untamed,
      untaught, untutored, vicious, vulgar, wild, wolfish


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