The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Affiliate \Af*fil"i*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Affiliated}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Affiliating}.] [LL. adfiliare, affiliare, to
adopt as son; ad + filius son: cf. F. affilier.]
1. To adopt; to receive into a family as a son; hence, to
bring or receive into close connection; to ally.
[1913 Webster]
Is the soul affiliated to God, or is it estranged
and in rebellion? --I. Taylor.
[1913 Webster]
2. To fix the paternity of; -- said of an illegitimate child;
as, to affiliate the child to (or on or upon) one man
rather than another.
[1913 Webster]
3. To connect in the way of descent; to trace origin to.
[1913 Webster]
How do these facts tend to affiliate the faculty of
hearing upon the aboriginal vegetative processes?
--H. Spencer.
[1913 Webster]
4. To attach (to) or unite (with); to receive into a society
as a member, and initiate into its mysteries, plans, etc.;
-- followed by to or with.
[1913 Webster]
{Affiliated societies}, societies connected with a central
society, or with each other.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
78 Moby Thesaurus words for "affiliated":
affiliate, agnate, akin, allied, associate, associated, attached,
avuncular, bound, bracketed, cabalistic, closely related, cognate,
collateral, combined, confederate, confederated, congeneric,
conjugate, connate, connatural, connected, consanguine,
consanguinean, consanguineous, conspiratorial, corporate,
correlated, coupled, distantly related, enate, enleagued, federate,
federated, foster, german, germane, implicated, in cahoots,
in league, in partnership, in with, incident, interlinked,
interlocked, interrelated, involved, joined, kindred, knotted,
leagued, linked, married, matrilateral, matrilineal, matroclinous,
novercal, of that ilk, of that kind, of the blood, paired,
parallel, partners with, patrilateral, patrilineal, patroclinous,
related, sib, sibling, spliced, teamed, tied, twinned, united,
uterine, wed, wedded, yoked
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