Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
163 Moby Thesaurus words for "zealous":
abandoned, ablaze, acquiescent, afire, agitated, agreeable,
alacritous, all-overish, amenable, anxious, anxioused up,
apprehensive, ardent, assiduous, avid, boiling over, bothered,
breathless, buggy, bugs, burning, committed, compliant, concerned,
consenting, content, cooperative, cordial, dedicated, delirious,
devoted, devout, diligent, disposed, disquieted, disturbed, docile,
drunk, eager, earnest, energetic, enthusiastic, excited, exuberant,
fain, faithful, fanatic, fanatical, favorable, favorably disposed,
favorably inclined, fearful, febrile, fervent, fervid, fevered,
feverish, fiery, fired, flaming, flushed, foreboding, forward,
frenetic, game, glowing, gung ho, hard, hard-core, hardworking,
hearty, heated, hot, hot-blooded, hotheaded, impassioned,
in a pucker, in a stew, in earnest, in the mind, in the mood,
inclined, indefatigable, industrious, infatuated, inflamed,
intense, intent, intent on, intoxicated, keen, laborious, lively,
loyal, madcap, minded, misgiving, nervous, never idle, nutty,
obsessed, on fire, on tenterhooks, overanxious, overapprehensive,
overdevout, overreligious, overrighteous, overzealous, passionate,
perfervid, perturbed, pliant, possessed, predisposed, prompt,
prone, quick, rabid, ready, ready and willing, receptive, red-hot,
relentless, resolute, responsive, sanctimonious, scorching,
sedulous, serious, sincere, sleepless, solicitous, spirited,
steaming, steamy, strained, strenuous, suspenseful, tense,
tireless, totally committed, tractable, troubled, ultrareligious,
uneasy, unflagging, unremitting, unrestrained, unsleeping,
unsparing, unwearied, vehement, vigorous, warm, well-disposed,
well-inclined, white-hot, wild-eyed, willed, willing,
willinghearted, zealotic
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