
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: disposed or willing to comply; "children compliant with
           the parental will" [ant: {defiant}, {noncompliant}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Compliant \Com*pli"ant\, a.
   Yielding; bending; pliant; submissive. "The compliant
   boughs." --Milton.
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
168 Moby Thesaurus words for "compliant":
      abject, accepting, accommodating, accordant, acquiescent,
      acquiescing, active, adaptable, adapting, adaptive, adjustable,
      adjusting, affable, affirmative, agreeable, agreed, agreeing,
      alacritous, amenable, amiable, appliable, applicable, approving,
      ardent, assentatious, assenting, bendable, bending, benevolent,
      benign, benignant, complaisant, compliable, complying, conceding,
      concessive, conformable, conforming, conscientious, consentient,
      consenting, constant, content, cooperative, decent, devoted,
      devout, disposed, docile, ductile, duteous, dutiful, eager,
      elastic, endorsing, enthusiastic, exploitable, extensible,
      extensile, fabricable, facile, fain, faithful, favorable,
      favorably disposed, favorably inclined, fictile, flexible, flexile,
      flexuous, formable, formative, forward, game, generous, giving,
      gracious, humble, impressible, impressionable, in the mind,
      in the mood, inclined, indulgent, kind, kindly, law-abiding,
      like putty, limber, lissome, lithe, lithesome, loyal, malleable,
      manipulable, meek, meticulous, minded, mindful, moldable,
      nondissenting, nonresistant, nonresisting, nonresistive,
      nothing loath, obedient, obliging, observant, operable,
      other-directed, overindulgent, overpermissive, passive, permissive,
      plastic, pliable, pliant, practical, practicing, predisposed,
      prompt, prone, punctilious, punctual, quick, ratifying, ready,
      ready and willing, receptive, reconciled, regardful, resigned,
      responsive, reusable, sanctioning, scrupulous, sensitive,
      sequacious, servile, shapable, springy, submissive, subservient,
      supine, supple, susceptible, tractable, tractile, true,
      unassertive, uncomplaining, ungrudging, unloath, unrefusing,
      unreluctant, unresistant, unresisting, usable, utilizable,
      well-disposed, well-inclined, whippy, willed, willing,
      willinghearted, willowy, yielding, zealous


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