WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adv 1: in an uneven and irregular way [ant: {evenly}]
2: in a ragged uneven manner; "I took the cigarette he offered,
drawing at it raggedly" [syn: {raggedly}, {unevenly}]
3: in an unequal or partial manner; "profits were distributed
unevenly"; "angry at being dealt with so unequally" [syn:
{unevenly}, {unequally}] [ant: {equally}, {evenly}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Uneven \Un*e"ven\, a. [AS. unefen. See {Un-} not, and {Even},
1. Not even; not level; not uniform; rough; as, an uneven
road or way; uneven ground.
[1913 Webster]
2. Not equal; not of equal length.
[1913 Webster]
Hebrew verse consists of uneven feet. --Peacham.
[1913 Webster]
3. Not divisible by two without a remainder; odd; -- said of
numbers; as, 3, 7, and 11 are uneven numbers.
[1913 Webster] {Un*e"ven*ly}, adv. -- {Un*e"ven*ness}, n.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
75 Moby Thesaurus words for "unevenly":
at irregular intervals, at random, brokenly, by catches, by fits,
by jerks, by snatches, capriciously, chaotically, choppily,
desultorily, disconnectedly, discontinuously, disparately,
disproportionately, eccentrically, erratically, every which way,
fitfully, haltingly, helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy,
impulsively, in snatches, in spots, in the rough, inconsistently,
inconstantly, indefensibly, inexcusably, inexpiably, iniquitously,
interestedly, intermittently, irregularly, irremissibly, jaggedly,
jerkily, lurchingly, nonuniformly, off and on, one-sidedly,
partially, patchily, raggedly, rough, roughly, spasmodically,
sporadically, spottily, unallowably, uncertainly, unconscionably,
undeservedly, undispassionately, unequally, unfairly, unforgivably,
unjustifiably, unjustly, unmethodically, unpardonably,
unpredictably, unreasonably, unrhythmically, unsteadily,
unsystematically, ununiformly, unwarrantably, variably, variously,
whimsically, wobblingly, wrongfully, wrongly
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