toddle along

from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
59 Moby Thesaurus words for "toddle along":
      amble, be getting along, buzz off, claudicate, come away, crawl,
      creep, depart, dogtrot, drag, drag along, drag out, exit,
      gang along, get along, get away, get off, get on, get under way,
      go, go along, go away, go dead slow, go off, go on, go slow,
      hobble, idle, inch, inch along, jog-trot, laze, leave, limp,
      march off, mosey, move away, move off, move out, poke, poke along,
      pull out, sashay, sashay off, saunter, shuffle along,
      stagger along, stroll, take flight, take wing, toddle,
      totter along, traipse, up and go, waddle, walk, wing it, worm,
      worm along


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