
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: cheap and shoddy; "cheapjack moviemaking...that feeds on
           the low taste of the mob"- Judith Crist [syn:
           {cheapjack}, {shoddy}, {tawdry}]
    2: of inferior workmanship and materials; "mean little jerry-
       built houses" [syn: {jerry-built}, {shoddy}]
    3: designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or
       inadvertently; "the deceptive calm in the eye of the storm";
       "deliberately deceptive packaging"; "a misleading
       similarity"; "statistics can be presented in ways that are
       misleading"; "shoddy business practices" [syn: {deceptive},
       {misleading}, {shoddy}]
    n 1: reclaimed wool fiber
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Shoddy \Shod"dy\, a.
   1. Made wholly or in part of shoddy; containing shoddy; as,
      shoddy cloth; shoddy blankets; hence, colloquially, not
      genuine; sham; pretentious; as, shoddy aristocracy.
      [1913 Webster]

            Shoddy inventions designed to bolster up a
            factitious pride.                     --Compton
      [1913 Webster]

   2. of poor quality or inferior workmanship. --[RHUD]

   3. visibly worn or damaged from use; shabby.
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Shoddy \Shod"dy\, n. [Perhaps fr. {Shed}, v. t.; as meaning
   originally, waste stuff shed or thrown off; cf. dial. shod to
   shed, and E. {Shed} a parting, separation, {Shode} a
   1. A fibrous material obtained by "deviling," or tearing into
      fibers, refuse woolen goods, old stockings, rags,
      druggets, etc. See {Mungo}.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Fluffy, fibrous waste from wool carding, worsted spinning,
      or weaving of woolens.
      [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

   3. A fabric of inferior quality made of, or containing a
      large amount of, shoddy.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: The great quantity of shoddy goods furnished as army
         supplies in the late Civil War in the United States
         gave wide currency to the word, and it came to be
         applied to persons who pretend to a higher position in
         society than that to which their breeding or worth
         entitles them; this term is now (1997) rarely used in
         that sense.
         [1913 Webster +PJC]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
292 Moby Thesaurus words for "shoddy":
      NG, abject, abominable, affected, apocryphal, arrant, artificial,
      assumed, atrocious, awful, base, bastard, beastly, beat-up,
      bedraggled, beggarly, beneath contempt, blameworthy, blowzy, bogus,
      broken-down, brummagem, brutal, budget, careless, cheap, cheapjack,
      cheat, cheesy, chintzy, clamjamfry, clinquant, colorable, colored,
      common, contemptible, counterfeit, counterfeited, crappy, crummy,
      debased, debris, degraded, deplorable, depraved, despicable,
      detestable, dilapidated, dingy, dire, dirty, discreditable,
      disgraceful, disgusting, dishonorable, disreputable, distorted,
      dowdy, down-at-heel, down-at-the-heels, drabbletailed, draggled,
      draggletailed, dreadful, dressed up, dummy, dust, easy, economic,
      economy, egregious, embellished, embroidered, enormous, ersatz,
      execrable, factitious, fake, faked, fakement, falsified, feigned,
      fetid, fictitious, fictive, filthy, flagrant, forgery, foul,
      frame-up, fraud, frayed, frazzled, frowzy, frugal, frumpish,
      frumpy, full of holes, fulsome, garbled, gaudy, gimcracky,
      good-for-naught, good-for-nothing, grave, grievous, gross, grubby,
      hateful, heinous, hoax, holey, horrible, horrid, ignominious,
      illegitimate, imitation, impostor, in rags, in shreds, in tatters,
      inexpensive, infamous, inferior, informal, inglorious, junk, junky,
      lamentable, litter, little, loathsome, loose, lousy, low, low-down,
      low-priced, lumber, lumpen, make-believe, makeshift, man-made,
      manageable, mangy, mean, measly, meretricious, messy, miserable,
      mock, moderate, modest, monstrous, mussy, nasty, nefarious,
      negligent, no-account, no-good, noisome, nominal, not worth having,
      not worth mentioning, not worthwhile, notorious, nugacious,
      nugatory, obnoxious, odious, offensive, outrageous, paltry, paste,
      patchy, pathetic, perverted, petty, phony, pinchbeck, pitiable,
      pitiful, plastic, poky, poor, pretended, pseudo, put-on,
      put-up job, quasi, queer, raff, ragged, raggedy, rank, ratty,
      reasonable, regrettable, reprehensible, reptilian, repulsive,
      riffraff, rip-off, rotten, rubbish, rubbishy, rubble, ruinous,
      run-down, sad, scabby, scandalous, schlock, scraggly, scrap,
      scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurvy, scuzzy, second-rate, seedy,
      self-styled, sensible, shabby, shady, sham, shameful, shocking,
      simulacrum, simulated, slack, slatternly, sleazy, slipshod, sloppy,
      slovenly, sluttish, small, so-called, soi-disant, sordid, sorry,
      spurious, squalid, supposititious, swindle, synthetic, tacky,
      tattered, tatty, tawdry, terrible, tin, tinsel, tinselly,
      titivated, token, too bad, torn, trash, trashy, trivial, truck,
      trumpery, twisted, two-for-a-cent, two-for-a-penny, twopenny,
      twopenny-halfpenny, unauthentic, unclean, unexpensive, ungenuine,
      unkempt, unmentionable, unnatural, unneat, unreal, unrespectable,
      unsightly, untidy, valueless, vile, villainous, warped,
      whited sepulcher, within means, woeful, worst, worth the money,
      worthless, wretched


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