
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: unpleasant to look at; "unsightly billboards"
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Unsightly \Unsightly\
   See {sightly}.
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
78 Moby Thesaurus words for "unsightly":
      beat-up, beautiless, bedraggled, blemished, blotted, blowzy,
      cacophonic, cacophonous, careless, chintzy, defaced, dilapidated,
      disfigured, drab, drabbletailed, draggled, draggletailed, dull,
      dysphemistic, dysphemized, frowzy, frumpish, frumpy, grubby,
      hideous, homely, horrible, ill-favored, ill-looking, ill-shaped,
      in rags, inelegant, informal, lackluster, loose, lumpen, marred,
      messy, mussy, negligent, plain, poky, ragged, raggedy, ruinous,
      scraggly, seedy, shabby, shoddy, short on looks, slack, slatternly,
      slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, sluttish, sordid, spoiled, squalid,
      tacky, tattered, uglified, ugly, ugly as hell, ugly as sin,
      unaesthetic, unattractive, unbeautiful, uncomely, unhandsome,
      unkempt, unlovely, unneat, unpleasing, unprepossessing, unpretty,
      unshapely, untidy


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