
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: formed into a structured or coherent whole [ant:
           {unorganised}, {unorganized}]
    2: methodical and efficient in arrangement or function; "how
       well organized she is"; "his life was almost too organized"
       [ant: {disorganised}, {disorganized}]
    3: being a member of or formed into a labor union; "organized
       labor"; "unionized workers"; "a unionized shop" [syn:
       {organized}, {organised}, {unionized}, {unionised}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
organized \or"gan*ized\ adj.
   1. Same as {arranged}; as, an organized tour.
      [WordNet 1.5]

   2. Formed into an organization. Opposite of {unorganized}.
      [Narrower terms: {corporate, incorporated}]
      [WordNet 1.5]

   3. well-conducted. Opposite of {disorganized}. Also See:

   Syn: organized.
        [WordNet 1.5]

   4. Arranged according to a system or rule.

   Syn: systematized.
        [WordNet 1.5]

   5. Being a member of or formed into a labor union; -- of
      workers, used especially in the phrase "organized labor".
      Opposite of {nonunion}.

   Syn: unionized, union.
        [WordNet 1.5]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Organize \Or"gan*ize\ ([^o]r"gan*[imac]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
   {Organized} ([^o]r"gan*[imac]zd); p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Organizing} ([^o]r"gan*[imac]*z[i^]ng).] [Cf. F. organiser,
   Gr. 'organi`zein. See {Organ}.]
   1. (Biol.) To furnish with organs; to give an organic
      structure to; to endow with capacity for the functions of
      life; as, an organized being; organized matter; -- in this
      sense used chiefly in the past participle.
      [1913 Webster]

            These nobler faculties of the mind, matter organized
            could never produce.                  --Ray.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To arrange or constitute in parts, each having a special
      function, act, office, or relation; to systematize; to get
      into working order; -- applied to products of the human
      intellect, or to human institutions and undertakings, as a
      science, a government, an army, a war, etc.
      [1913 Webster]

            This original and supreme will organizes the
            government.                           --Cranch.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. (Mus.) To sing in parts; as, to organize an anthem. [R.]
      [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
110 Moby Thesaurus words for "organized":
      afflicted, aligned, animate, arranged, arrayed, assorted, bent,
      biological, biotic, blueprinted, boiled, bombed, boozy, calculated,
      canned, categorized, charted, classified, cockeyed, cockeyed drunk,
      composed, constituted, contrived, crocked, crocko, designed,
      devised, disguised, disposed, drunk, elevated, figured, fixed,
      fried, fuddled, graded, grouped, half-seas over, harmonized, high,
      illuminated, in the works, inebriated, lit, lit up, living, loaded,
      lubricated, lushy, marshaled, methodized, muddled, muzzy,
      normalized, oiled, on the agenda, on the anvil, on the calendar,
      on the carpet, on the docket, on the tapis, ordered, orderly,
      organic, physiological, pickled, pie-eyed, pissed, pissy-eyed,
      pixilated, placed, planned, plastered, plotted, polluted, potted,
      projected, raddled, ranged, ranked, rationalized, regularized,
      regulated, routinized, scheduled, schematized, set, shaped,
      shellacked, skunk-drunk, smashed, soaked, sorted, soused, squiffy,
      standardized, stewed, stinko, strategetic, strategic, sur le tapis,
      swacked, synchronized, systematized, tactical, tanked, tight,
      vital, worked out, zoetic


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