WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: relating to or affecting or originating in the inner ear;
"labyrinthine deafness"
2: resembling a labyrinth in form or complexity; "a labyrinthine
network of tortuous footpaths" [syn: {labyrinthine},
{labyrinthian}, {mazy}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
184 Moby Thesaurus words for "labyrinthine":
Byzantine, Gongoresque, Johnsonian, aberrant, aberrative, affected,
ambagious, anamorphous, anfractuous, askew, asymmetric, balled up,
bedizened, bent, big-sounding, billowing, billowy, bowed,
circuitous, circumlocutory, cockeyed, complex, complicated,
confounded, confused, contorted, convoluted, convolutional,
crabbed, crazy, crooked, crumpled, crunched, curvaceous, curvate,
curvated, curve, curved, curvesome, curviform, curvilineal,
curvilinear, curving, curvy, daedal, declamatory, departing,
desultory, deviant, deviating, deviative, deviatory, devious,
digressive, discursive, distorted, elaborate, elevated, embrangled,
entangled, errant, erratic, euphuistic, excursive, flamboyant,
flaming, flashy, flaunting, flexuose, flexuous, fouled up, fulsome,
garish, gaudy, geosynclinal, gordian, grandiloquent, grandiose,
grandisonant, high-flowing, high-flown, high-flying, high-sounding,
highfalutin, implicated, incurvate, incurvated, incurved,
incurving, indirect, inkhorn, intricate, involute, involuted,
involutional, involved, irregular, knotted, knotty, labyrinthian,
lexiphanic, lofty, lopsided, loused up, lurid, magniloquent,
many-faceted, matted, mazy, meandering, meandrous, meretricious,
messed up, mixed up, mucked up, multifarious, nonsymmetric,
one-sided, orotund, ostentatious, out-of-the-way, overdone,
overelaborate, overinvolved, overwrought, pedantic, perplexed,
planetary, pompous, pretentious, rambling, ramified, recurvate,
recurvated, recurved, recurving, rhetorical, rivose, rivulose,
roundabout, roving, ruffled, screwed up, sensational,
sensationalistic, sententious, serpentine, shifting, showy,
sinuate, sinuose, sinuous, snaky, snarled, sonorous, sophisticated,
sprung, stilted, stray, subtle, swerving, tall, tangled, tangly,
torsional, tortile, tortuous, turning, twisted, twisting, twisty,
undirected, undulant, unsymmetric, vagrant, veering, wandering,
warped, wavy, whorled, winding, wreathlike, wreathy, zigzag
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