
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: aimlessly drifting [syn: {adrift(p)}, {afloat(p)},
           {aimless}, {directionless}, {planless}, {rudderless},
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Undirected \Un`di*rect"ed\, a. [In senses 1 and 2, pref. un- not
   + directed; in sense 3 properly p. p. of undirect.]
   1. Not directed; not guided; left without direction.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Not addressed; not superscribed, as a letter.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. Misdirected; misled; led astray. [R.]
      [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
94 Moby Thesaurus words for "undirected":
      aberrant, aberrative, aimless, amorphous, capricious, casual,
      causeless, circuitous, departing, designless, desultory, deviant,
      deviating, deviative, deviatory, devious, digressive,
      disarticulated, discontinuous, discursive, disjunct, disordered,
      dispersed, disproportionate, driftless, dysteleological, errant,
      erratic, excursive, fitful, formless, frivolous, gratuitous,
      haphazard, hit-or-miss, immethodical, inchoate, incoherent,
      indirect, indiscriminate, inexplicable, irregular, labyrinthine,
      mazy, meandering, meaningless, mindless, misshapen, nonsymmetrical,
      nonsystematic, nonuniform, orderless, out-of-the-way, planetary,
      planless, promiscuous, purposeless, rambling, random, roving,
      senseless, serpentine, shapeless, shifting, snaky, spasmodic,
      sporadic, stochastic, straggling, straggly, stray, swerving,
      systemless, turning, twisting, unaccountable, unarranged,
      unclassified, ungraded, unjoined, unmethodical, unmotivated,
      unordered, unorganized, unsorted, unsymmetrical, unsystematic,
      ununiform, vagrant, vague, veering, wandering, winding, zigzag


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