
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: related by blood [syn: {akin(p)}, {blood-related},
           {cognate}, {consanguine}, {consanguineous},
           {consanguineal}, {kin(p)}]
    n 1: a person having kinship with another or others; "he's kin";
         "he's family" [syn: {kin}, {kinsperson}, {family}]
    2: group of people related by blood or marriage [syn: {kin},
       {kin group}, {kinship group}, {kindred}, {clan}, {tribe}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Kin \Kin\ (k[i^]n), n. Also Kine \Kine\ (k[imac]n). [Gr. kinei^n
   to move.] (Physics)
   The unit velocity in the C. G. S. system -- a velocity of one
   centimeter per second.
   [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Kin \Kin\, a.
   Of the same nature or kind; kinder. "Kin to the king."
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
-kin \-kin\ (-k[i^]n) suff. [Of Low German origin; cf. G. -chen,
   LG. -- ken.]
   A diminutive suffix; as, manikin; lambkin.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Kin \Kin\ (k[i^]n), n. (Mus.)
   A primitive Chinese instrument of the cittern kind, with from
   five to twenty-five silken strings. --Riemann.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Kin \Kin\, n. [OE. kin, cun, AS. cynn kin, kind, race, people;
   akin to cennan to beget, D. kunne sex, OS. & OHG. kunni kin,
   race, Icel. kyn, Goth. kuni, G. & D. kind a child, L. genus
   kind, race, L. gignere to beget, Gr. gi`gnesqai to be born,
   Skr. jan to beget. [root]44. Cf. {Kind}, {King}, {Gender}
   kind, {Nation}.]
   1. Relationship, consanguinity, or affinity; connection by
      birth or marriage; kindred; near connection or alliance,
      as of those having common descent.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Relatives; persons of the same family or race.
      [1913 Webster]

            The father, mother, and the kin beside. --Dryden.
      [1913 Webster]

            You are of kin, and so a friend to their persons.
      [1913 Webster] Kin
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
121 Moby Thesaurus words for "kin":
      agnate, ancestry, blood, blood relation, blood relative, bracket,
      branch, brand, breed, cast, caste, category, character, clan,
      clansman, class, cognate, collateral, collateral relative, color,
      connections, consanguine, consanguinean, consanguineous,
      cousinhood, denomination, description, designation, distaff side,
      distant relation, division, enate, estate, family, feather, flesh,
      flesh and blood, folk, folks, form, genre, genus, german, grade,
      grain, group, grouping, head, heading, ilk, kidney, kind, kindred,
      kinfolk, kinnery, kinsfolk, kinsman, kinsmen, kinswoman,
      kith and kin, label, level, line, lineage, lot, make, manner, mark,
      mold, nature, near relation, next of kin, number, order, people,
      persuasion, phylum, pigeonhole, position, posterity, predicament,
      race, rank, rating, related, relation, relations, relatives,
      rubric, section, sept, set, shape, sib, sibling, sort, spear kin,
      spear side, species, spindle kin, spindle side, stamp, station,
      status, stock, strain, stratum, stripe, style, subdivision,
      subgroup, suborder, sword side, the like of, the likes of, title,
      tribe, tribesman, type, uterine kin, variety


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