keyed up
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
45 Moby Thesaurus words for "keyed up":
agog, anxious, apprehensive, aquiver, aroused, atingle, atwitter,
bursting, carried away, ebullient, effervescent, excited,
exhilarated, fired, high, hopped up, impassioned, in suspense,
inflamed, keyed up, lathered up, manic, moved, on edge,
on tenterhooks, on tiptoe, quivering, ready to burst, roused,
steamed up, stimulated, stirred, stirred up, taut, tense, thrilled,
tingling, tingly, turned-on, whipped up, with bated breath,
with muscles tense, worked up, wrought up, yeasty
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