Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
96 Moby Thesaurus words for "exhilarated":
agog, animated, aquiver, aroused, atingle, atwitter, beaming,
blithe, blithesome, bright, bright and sunny, bursting,
carried away, charmed, cheerful, cheery, comfortable, content,
contented, cozy, delighted, easy, ebullient, effervescent, elated,
energized, eupeptic, euphoric, exalted, excited,
favorably impressed with, fired, flushed, genial, glad, gladsome,
glowing, gratified, happy, high, hopeful, hopped up, impassioned,
in clover, in good spirits, in high spirits, inflamed, intrigued,
invigorated, irrepressible, keyed up, lathered up, laughing, manic,
moved, of good cheer, optimistic, pleasant, pleased,
pleased as Punch, pleased with, radiant, ready to burst,
reanimated, recharged, recreated, refreshed, renewed, revived,
riant, rosy, roused, sanguine, sanguineous, satisfied, smiling,
sold on, sparkling, steamed up, stimulated, stirred, stirred up,
sunny, taken with, thrilled, tickled, tickled pink,
tickled to death, tingling, tingly, turned-on, whipped up, winsome,
worked up, wrought up, yeasty
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